
Yeah, the thin-skinned rancid cheeto who throws hissy fits whenever someone says something he doesn’t like is totes going to be a sensible leader.

Fuck the media for not only perpetuating the whole “They’re both shitty candidates” narrative but also giving that bloviating windbag hours of free airtime because they found him entertaining. And for letting him and his surrogates say whatever the fuck they wanted to without bothering to fact check any of it until

A shocking number of women voted for Trump.

This was absolutely my first response. Also, “how in the hell am I going to look at my mom’s boyfriend, a 60 yo white male, blue collar worker through and through, knowing he voted for Trump, and not do something terrible?”

To all the idiots in swing states who voted for a third party candidate out of “protest,” FUCK YOU.

That’s really the only response. Some idiots I know are all like “don’t hate people because they voted different than you!”


Anyone else lose good friends/family over this election? I never got along all that well with my dad and sister anyway, but I’m considering cutting them off for good.

To every fucker on FB who is admitting to voting for him but saying that he’s totally going to become a moderate, sensible leader now. That is not who you elected. Fuck you.

To the media companies who fluffed this motherfucker for ratings:

My dad just posted on my fb wall, cheer up, have a good day at work (I live in England so it’s morning for me), life will go on <3

Well, in that case, get better at this, America. Jesus.

To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.