BabySeaTuna (Back in Grey)

I like the cut of your jib.

She also says that about hotcakes.

Where’s Tampa BabaYaga when you need her?

Oh c’mon, now you’re just making up words.

Aaaand that’s how you kill a conversation.

I feel like they had that ammo trick in 4 and 5 (not to mention the Dead Space games, thank god) so it stands to reason that they’d include it in the remake.

I have this waiting on my Xbox hard drive and being at work today is KILLING me!

If you can stand blood/gore you should check it out. It’s pretty hilarious.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure staggering levels of cognitive dissonance are a requirement for putting an (R) in front of your name. 

I thought it was implied that she and Hulk smash!(ed)

I feel like he crossed the same witch that cursed Stephen Miller.

Obama really should have stepped down from the dais and told Wilson to say that to his face. Civility aside, bitch needed to catch hands for that.

+1 Monte Cristo sandwich


Aw dude, Empoleon is a fuggin bawse with that Mad Max mask on his face!

Reverse-Gawker: It’s the blog the darkest timeline deserves!”

It is literally just going to be a drawing of a clock and a circled picture of a camel.

“Also reunite Virginia and West Virginia but here’s the twist: call the whole thing West Virginia.”

Whoa whoa, you mean the rubes don’t do their due diligence before shitting their racist garbage on the internet? Somebody fetch my fainting couch! ;p