
How do you guys handle making a mistake at work?

What’s the best concert you've seen this summer?

Can I leave work yet?

Thumbs up for good taste in music.

So Frank Ocean's album coming out today was a lie right? Definitely not actually happening. Right?

do you like us? (the readers)

Twitter beef this week, ask Draper, he started it.

just search "why your team sucks" in the corner up there big guy

How many fantasy football leagues can one person be in before they are just in too many leagues? Last year I was in 2, this year I'll be joining a third and I feel like I'm at that point where I shouldn't join others. But I also definitely know people in like 7 different leagues which I find absurd.

Elway's Broncos beating the Packers in the Superbowl. My family are Packers fans, my parent's friends who were over to watch the game with us were Broncos fans. They were happy. I cried and hid under a desk. I was 5.