
It’s just bad marketing, and pretty offensive to large swaths of fans.

When the pics in question are less about what the character can DO, and more about their ass (when we don’t even get that for men’s asses), then yes. Plus the bonus of not talking about what she does and saying “we all horny”.  Maybe focus less on the horny and more about what the DLC brings in terms of play.


Jim Cooke, you genius. That illustration is the shit and you deserve more than you are being paid, whatever that amount is.

“I’m gonna say I’m not gonna victim blame, but then I’m gonna proceed to victim blame.”

Really though, trolling is one thing. Just constantly rolling out canned anti-jew stuff is quite another. Honestly, anyone with 5 minutes to spare could come up with an endless list of stuff that is both more outrageous than saying kill jews, and much more funny.

i’ve lost count of how many times he’s apologized for being blatantly offensive and saying he’s ‘matured’, before doing a 180 and spouting some new racist, sexist or homophobic crap. it’s time for him to take a good hard look inside himself and either learn to censor himself better, become an actual less shitty

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

I mean, not surprising. You can be an idiot on the internet all you want. We’re all dicks sometime. But once you regularly start going, “Hey, lets see how racist and shitty I can be,” even in the context of something like Fiverr, you’re doing it wrong. Everybody’s trolled before. It’s an internet rite of passage.

The moment he started speculating and was spelling out SJW I lost all my sympathy. I’m subscribed to YanDev on YouTube and I’m interested in the game’s development, but I lost respect for him when he started spelling out SJW as a part of his speculative blame.

Not to mention that pointing out how many games with underage nudity and rape are still allowed on Twitch isn’t really doing much for his argument that Twitch is having their arms twisted by “those people.”

Same. Does anyone really believe that ultra radical “feminists” are so all powerful as to be able to dictate which games are banned from Twitch? Trust me, the gaming landscape would likely look very different if that was the case.

Feminists aren’t out to get people. I mean these assholes are the same idiots that think “SJW” is an actual insults when in fact nobody on the planet is insulted by the word. Normally for an insult people have to be, you know, insulted.

I was sympathetic until he blamed “feminists” as some kind of boogeyman.

I’m glad you’re at least recognizing her pronouns and wishing her luck. There’s nothing wrong with finding it different or strange. But remember, her transition is about her and not an Internet stranger’s feelings. When my partner ditched their pronouns for a different set, (a difficult and emotional decision), I had

Then hop on board the science train, because the more we study the human brain and the human body, the more we find that this is just a thing that happens and not a mental or physical disorder. Just because someone told you when you were a kid that there were only two genders and they stayed the same your whole life

Actually RESPECT is about referring to someone how they identify. Not everything is about where you get to stick your genitals, dude.

Regardless of your ability to perceive, it is not difficult to refer to someone was their preferred pronouns. No need to go out of the way to state your perception. Just call her what she wants to be called anyway. Like if someone starts going by a nickname or their middle name. Even if you liked their old name more

Your dick has nothing to do with anyone’s gender. Sorry. I’m sure it’s the most important thing in your life but nobody else actually cares about it.

I am truly sorry if my comment made you feel bad, but you’re repeating your opinion louder instead of addressing what I said. When someone transitions and asks to be called a different pronoun, the standard is that you apply that pronoun to that person at all points in their life; public or not shouldn’t make a