
This makes sense. I would also assume that your children were assholes.

Slanderedman :(

"So why have so few white geek-feminists pried open the cracks in Whedon’s work?" Because this isn't a very good way to spend your life? Because it's just internet one-upmanship, trying to shit as hard as possible on someone for being less than perfect?

The New Belgium Fat Tire is an amazing likeness of a giant, soulless, industrial beer. I'll take the 'good product' of a Goose Island stout over a "craft beer" fat tire any day.

This guy? He gets it!

His name is literally donglover and this is what you opt for?

Well look at mister bourgeoisie one-percenter "I'm gonna live to 80" Cliffy73. The rest of us can't really afford your thanatos-treatments of dosing yourself daily with millennial blood to stave off coal-lung.

"less satire than borderline self-loathing" - the AV Club

Yeah, but, uh… The writer isn't. I think you missed the thrust of the comment.

White middle class middle-aged woman gets to live out her dreams of going back to college, seducing hunky PoC's, and simultaneously being more wise and relevant than all the woke 'babies' around her. Beautiful.

Sweden begins investigation into Assange's rap album, 'Straight outta Ecuador'.

It's a tenet old as civilization - if you choose to abandon your fundamental humanity, robots will decide to start shooting at you.

"White audiences at a Tyler Perry movie aren’t paying tribute to the historical experience of black theater, they’re laughing at a black man in a dress with a funny accent." Hm.

For a remake of Erased it seems pretty on point.

So you didn't react to "Aikens’ general sense of being unable to say no to them"? Somebody asks you to drive recklessly and you do it, you better have a specific sense of why you din't say no, if you want to blame them.

These old fogies want to give in to identity politics! Don't they realize how that threatens my white heritage and blindingly white culture?! If we keep acknowledging cultural identity and commonality, soon we can't even be proud of ourselves for our shared white whiteness anymore!

"She explains that “the communication is different” in that they actually “talk about emotions” and that there’s “a whole different connection”." Nice try, Mitt Romney in an ill-fitting rubber mask.

If we aren't allowed to deride things that are worth billions of dollars, what are we to say about President Trump?

I am not at all a fan of this scenario he's painting of people having sex and giving birth in the late 19th century while serenaded with live performances of Cotton-Eyed Joe, but maybe I'm old-fashioned