
“Capcom’s Street Fighter V contest shows an unfortunate blitheness toward both fair labor practices” - goddamnit Americans, learn what actual labor is. Asking for charity is not labor practice. It’s not tasteful, but it’s not labor - there’s no union of contest participants.

3. One thing not discussed is how this will affect the other children in the home to know their parents could abandon a child”

To be fair, the other kids could also go ‘oh fuck, I’m never going to expose anybody to this shit ever’. Which, come to think of it, could lead to staying in shitty relationships far longer than is healthy... I GUESS THERE IS NO UPSIDE, FINE

It’s actually spelled gacha day, and unfortunately we all know if you don’t get the gacha you were hoping for, you need to try again.

“I’m wasting my time, and it’s stressing me out” she says, upset that she’s telling stories through her roleplay that she feels nobody is watching or appreciating.

I guess this raises a pretty thorny but important question - killing game or death game?

Disappointed if one of them isn’t a puppet made from parts stolen from the others.

What an idealist worldview. Ever consider the fact that the countries who undergo ‘peaceful democratic socialist reforms’ only do so because they were rich enough to maintain stability, and thus their reforms last longer? Poor countries are more chaotic, whether they experience revolution, military coups, crushing

I’m sure that the makers actually have solid theoretical underpinnings but ‘leftism’ isn’t an actual ideology, it’s just something Americans say to cover up their lack of political education and historical context.

The game is targeted toward kids, starting out as the cartoonier version of PUBG. The paid competitions are not.

Are you insane? Why would they not have a lower age limit on participation in paid tournaments? The question is why it’s not much higher.

Well goddamnit what kind of ant do they want?!

This is honestly disgusting and we shouldn’t stand for it. “His son is slayed” is just awful.

“ “When I’m saying these things like ‘Simping is king shit,’ it’s like, I’m an entertainer. I have to entertain people.”” ooof. That’s some verging on pewdiepie shit. Hope that part of streamer culture dies out - the ‘I have to do this, the numbers on screen are telling me I have to it culture.

Good rich person writing, would read again for the escapism.

In normal times I would feel instinctively that everyone involved - the organizers, the participants, and the investigative journalists - are just horribly ridiculous and should be ostracized. In these more trying times I can’t make it through more than the first few pages before despise overwhelms me.

Can we just call a gacha a gacha or is that not the done thing?

Women be clumsy like that, always falling into puddles of corona or backing their car into a corona vault.

I mean... she mostly started crying because an adult gasped at her and told her she’d done something wrong - “Don’t say that! DON’T say that!” Any 4-year old will start crying if you do that; she was hardly comforting the child.

I was looking at the two black reporters I saw hoping to share a “What the fuck?” moment, but our eyes never met.