You know how in the new system you scroll down to the comments and end up in the comments for some other article? Yeah.
You know how in the new system you scroll down to the comments and end up in the comments for some other article? Yeah.
“while it seems unlikely that Jamil’s protest will do much to sway Tarantino, it is a good reminder, in case you needed it, that Emile Hirsch was (and quite possibly still is) a violent piece of shit.” This is a valuable reminder that should actually be brought up every time someone who has been convicted of a crime…
...the chilling effect that these hoarders, who were not widely sharing the games, will keep not widely sharing the games?
No, that would actually be illegal. Being a guest does not give me a legal right to fuck with your property. In the case in the article, neither of them seem to have had the legal right to the folder, so it’s clearly different.
How is it needlessly pedantic? It’s the defining factor in whether there’s a legal issue here or simply a matter of opinion. From the story it seems that both were doing illegal shit, and they’re just two different flavors of pirate.
Also not being great at writing words.
But that’s the exact opposite of this - someone whose life is (presumably) fine, but whose work is actively terrible. Also, my dad is a house and was fine with the show, so YMMV.
“So nothing. Just because someone can write a novel, compose a symphony or dunk a basketball doesn’t give them the right to be an asshole or a criminal.” And reading their book doesn’t give them that right.
I have read some works by most of those authors, and they’re actually pretty good in general! If you borrow the books from a library you won’t even contribute money to the authors!
Hurwitz doesn’t leave that much room for ad libs... Especially not for such a central character trait.
Kinja is a downvote button.
I think you mean ‘junior’, perhaps? 29 is not too young to speak your mind; 29 is old enough to be trusted to have a family and a career, so you better be old enough to speak your mind. I think it’s far more relevant to point to her being outnumbered by loudmouths who were senior to her in showbiz, and thus…
You’ve clearly never been white.
I can’t wait for the day when we start seeing kickstarters for people wanting to pre-buy star citizen ships.
I also want to only hear about games from people who love those games. What do they think? Do they think things? Let’s find out!
“People invested in this game, and continue to because they SHARE THE SAME VISION for the kind of space game they want” That vision? To play spaceship games right around the time normal people actually own real spaceships.
I admit it’s a long shot, but let’s all hope and wish that this time we’ll finally get what we dreamed of - Skyrim on iOs, Android, Windows Mobile, and the Incompatible Timesharing System!
“I can see why the Nation called crowdsourced workers “the most exploited workforce of all time”” - take that underaged chimney sweeps, you been beat. Next time you get stuck in there, think of the alternatives - you could have been texting.
Also, comedians talking to comedians seem to get into a specific mode of shop talk very quickly, where they sound more like plumbers comparing PVC tubes of different thicknesses... where the PVC tubes are gags or bits or proto-bits thrown into normal dialogue without any of the timing or tone that they’ll employ when…
“Presumably he did this thing wrong in the way I imagine it, for the reasons I imagine! Anyway, my point is that I’m right.”