
In 2000, I got a haircut and the lady barely trimmed my bangs and I was like “Could you go a little shorter with my bangs?” and as punishment or perhaps under some sort of psychosis brought on by hair dye smell and poor ventilation, she gave me those Courtney Cox micro bangs. Unfortunately I do not have the stunning

I will take 80's redux over the deathless 90's any goddamn day. And I am 47 so yeah I was there the first time around, thank you.

He is well known for being a jerk and this site made it all about race.

Didn’t Bronson Pinchot say that Denzel was abusive and one of the most unpleasant human beings he’s ever met in his life and that he spent his income from Courage Under Fire on therapy bills? I’m no huge fan of Pompeo but I somehow trust Balki on this.

That’s exactly how I read it. He has a reputation for being a dick to women on set and elsewhere. I think the author of this piece can’t see past her dislike of Ellen Pompeo to realize Denzel’s statement isn’t the burn she thinks she is.

Does this mean that Denzel is such an asshole that he can’t possibly recall one incident of him being an asshole?

Yep. I asked Brazilians if they identified as POC, and I thought I was gonna have to run. They say they are white.

“If we lay a strong enough foundation, we’ll pass it on to you.”

Did you even see the photo?  Geez...

In 2022 though? You know the William’s sisters are indeed, ‘not here’ right now.

She was really proud of hirself for getting with him when he was with his pregnant girlfriend in the first place. Khloe reaped what she sowed. All the time Kris spends planting stories in the media about how irresistible her daughters are Tristan keeps throwing a wrench in the narrative. Khloe went out of her way to

Nah you definitely blamed the Kim by saying what Kanye’s relationship with Kim did for his mental health.

Let’s not blame an adult man’s mental health struggles on his wife, especially when those struggles existed before she was in the picture. So did the media circus. I don’t want to assume your background or anything here, but I realize that for a lot of mainstream (white) America, Kanye wasn’t all over the place in the

Khloe should get herself a tattooed white boy, like her sisters (or like Megan Fox.) Tattooed white boys are the must-have accesory this season!

I actually find Pete Davidson/Kim Kardashian to be pretty charming together. I hope they’re having fun.

You’re high.  Berry looks incredible.

With a name like Daystar I’m actually a bit surprised he didn’t play off that when creating his stage name. 

Who’s “they”? This story isn’t about his fans, it’s about criminal proceedings.

Chris Brown was charged with felony assault and making criminal threats, was sentenced to five years probation, one year of domestic violence counseling, six months community service, and retained a five-year restraining order.

Daystar? You mean like Lucifer, the morning star?