
No, that's definitely more correct and I appreciate it. I was struggling to find a way to describe exactly *why* the wig thing was what it was. :)

That's what I was thinking. 

There’s clearly more to the story. She said “amongst other microaggressions”. And she responded all of this to Lea Michele’s post about systemic racism. Something happened that she isn’t coming right out and saying.

She seemed like she was really milking Cory Montieth's death for all it was worth. 

Seriously. I hate simplifying things like this but come on...if she was going to make up a story I cannot see her going with ‘threatened to shit in my wig’.

Does anyone know if Samantha Ware wore a wig or a weave? There might have been some underlying racial tones there. Black women are a lot more open than white women are about wearing hair.

Took the words out of my mouth. What does that even mean?! I mean I guess I know what the words literally mean but...what???

I didn't realize so many people were eating ass.

...people brag about their ability to swallow? 

This suddenly reminded me of something a lot less funny that is so absurd I thought maybe I was inventing a memory. I had to Google it to make sure I wasn’t wrong. When I lived in Texas as a little girl and 2 gay men got arrested for being gay. This was in 1998! The police entered the home on a false report of weapons

What a brave an amazingly big hearted man. I almost cried reading this. Just a flat out good person who was also willing to jeopardize his safety to protect people he didn't even know. Wow! He is a hero. 

I’m going to have to read those! My mother used to always give me that exact advice: do not let them get you into a car or to another location at all costs. Do whatever you need to to get away even if they threaten to shoot you. The odds that something horrible is going to happen to you and you won’t have any chance

Lmao. I'm picturing two people fucking so vigorously and loudly a swat team arrives. Omg. 

I pretty much never leave my house except to go to the grocery store or doctor’s office. I have seizures, so I can’t legally drive and neither can anyone in my house. Life hasn’t changed for me. I do live with 3 other people though, so I have company.

I have always thought what little I saw of Glee was stupid, but my little brother loves it. It wad bad enough when Cory Monteith overdosed and that other dude turned out to be a pedophile. I can’t tell him I found out Lea is a racist who threatens to shit in people’s wigs! I’m also not surprised though.

Shit stirring is kind of Joan’s thing. 🙄

I think Onyx is great for a black dog too! But like you said, for a person? Yikes.

It really isn't...this language is odd.

Thank you for sharing this with everyone so we can better understand. I'm sorry you've had to go through this and still continue to deal with the repercussions.

Lmfao...oh, man. This gave me a good laugh.