
We seem to be regressing in so many ways…I blame Trump for much of it as he made it “ok” to be racist, sexist, and nationalistic…I am old so won’t much be affected by the future but there are so many things that make me fearful for my five nieces and even more so for their little girls…if there is even a livable world

Wait…don’t be draggin’ birds

Ummm…is not wearing a mask on a plane optional? Yeah, no thanks…

But did they know she was out walking lol…or did she escape her captors…

This old Democrat/female feels the same. I am way past reproduction age and never could have conceived even if I had wanted that option…but am sickened by the stance of the right as a whole and count anyone who claims that party as their own to be racist, sexist, and just plain awful…I have been “unfriending” since

But…the dog?? Who gets the dog?

Also, Matthew is getting way too much ink for his inane remarks of late…probably playing right into his hands…

Ok, one comment re: Kardashians, against all of my instincts…I think Khloe was on Fashion Police eons ago and seemed (and looked) like a regular person, sort of? Am I hallucinating?

Am very sad and sorry that this fact will not encourage those who do not believe in science, birth control or women’s human rights to reconsider…as these vulnerable women are just the part of the population they care least about…

Should be even scarier if he is an elected official, as presumably he is? But it isn’t really…so many hidden racists out there as well as those who are loud and proud…

I like it…I am old and wake up way too early and some days seems endless, especially in summer, which is my least favorite season. I look forward to shorter, darker days. Maybe it is the approach of the grave, who can tell…

Sorry my brain went back to Waterloo etc…did not know the title continued

Wouldn’t it be a great-great etc…granddaughter?

I honestly can’t move from my apt until I literally can’t pay, as somehow my little one bedroom has a washer/dryer in the place of a closet…very rare and random especially in my complex as only about five 1-beds have them and this is the one they showed me 7 years ago. I almost could not believe it and never mentioned

In a country that is basically 50% Trumpers, that will always leave plenty of dollars in the pockets of celebs who “dare” to openly offend or ridicule the marginalized of society. And having half the country support your work is not  being “cancelled” in any sense. 

Such a waste of breath trying to explain any sort of concept that makes sense and helps people, to rich whites, especially those on tv and who happen to be men. But just the fact that this Rogan person is worth however many millions is a disgusting example of what America values…

Removing $$$ seeems to be the only thing that works, whether in “canceling” a person or helping to repeal bullshit.

Thank you.

My disability is a little too “high” for aid…I have looked into it. Others are much worse off. A friend of mine, nearly 80, lost her food stamp when she took a part-time job, which combined with her SSI still did not give her $15,000 a year. She is still working.

I am a senior living on disability and in my city, I have managed to live alone in a one-bedroom apartment since my marriage ended seven years ago. This past year has seen a big jump in rent prices countrywide but my city was hit especially hard, having been considered low for years. I had been in full panic mode