Babylon System

He thinks he can fake like he’s a strong independent man after the shameless rimjobbing he gave Trump all the way up until this moment. Barr buddy, you put that shit all out in public! You can’t roll it back!  That’s how you got the job dude!

No shit. I heard one of the commentators say Barr’s statement was a precursor to a resignation. Seriously? You gotta be kidding me? Now that the DOJ and Barr, especially, are getting flack over the Roger Stone decision, they need a distraction.

Well, he’s half-right.  He won’t be bullied, because he doesn’t need to be bullied to roll over for Herr Cheeto.

**needs MORE STARS**

I wish I were as optimistic as you, but I think the 2020 Presidential debates will be entirely one-sided affairs because Trump won’t dare go near them. Instead he’ll be hosting rallies hate-ins so that he can “speak the truth” to “real America” “unfiltered by the lamestream media”.

Love white men that grow a pair after the crime has been committed. Oh so he came for one of your own, Lt. Col Vindeman, and now you’re outraged. Frederica Watson says fuck off. The children in cages say fuck off. The Muslims you and Skeletor Stephen Miller targeted say fuck off. Anyone that has an ounce of dignity in

John Kelly can go fuck himself. He could have testified when the house was investigating and he said nothing.

The bank.


Dude was ‘just doing his duty’ by following immoral orders and lying for his superiors.  Same excuse that the Nazis used at Nuremberg, go figure.

There is a way to stop him legally. It’s called “impeachment and removal.” The problem isn’t that we don’t have laws. The problem is that the cops are the criminals.

Our only hope is that the Coronavirus becomes a plague that wipes out more than half of humanity leaving a precious, scattered few to rebuild again.

Someone on Twitter put it better than I could: White Voters Have The Power To Stop This Anytime They Want. We know they love this shit and it is funny as hell to watch them try and defend this asshole and his scumbag family. Every black American should tell all these crackers and anyone white you see to fuck off and

Back four years ago, him openly mocking the disabled was scandalous. Now he’s suborned the Senate and got McConnell sniffing the glove, they’ve stacked the election deck by spiking the entire process, and he’s literally using the DOJ as his personal enforcers—and nobody bats an eye.

I really am somewhat glad about this whole shitshow of an administration has decided to use the Constitution as the tissue paper it always has been. Now, they (GOP) dont have that bullahit to hide behind in the future when we get another melanated president in office (probably not in my lifetime.) They’re always “the

To paraphrase some racist Disney crows, “I been done seen ‘bout everything when I seen the Impeached President* learn!”

He learned that the republican Senate is his bitch. He learned that crime pays and he learned that Putin gets his way.

Germans did it in the 30's. They did it with the help of powerful religious leaders. They did it with the help of the rich. They did it with the international community doing no more than mild tutting, and many actively supporting.

But I would expect after flagging it 1000x times, the account would be reviewed and removed.

I love how they just make up shit “You are here ...on this property ...???