Babylon System

I admit I haven’t been to Louisiana but I don’t think it’s unfair to assume that there are also plenty of white churches in the state.

He liked BLACK metal.. so that’s why he burned BLACK churches...

Time for a story from the mental hospital -

Rule of thumb, if you are looking for grown-ass women and men who want to fuck on their own accord, they are going to take a little work to find. Do your research first and foremost.

Your sneakiness can’t repel detective work of that magnitude.

If one of the shows isn’t a documentary called “Pull Up Your Pants: Crisis In Black America”, I’d be highly surprised.

Well, we already have it in the White House, so what to do expect?

The United States was basically built on the bones of Native Americans with the forced labor of enslaved Africans and their descendants. I will also give a (dis)Honorable Mention to the historic and brutal exploitation of non-WASP immigrants that continues to this day with Latin American migrants.

Of course there are people in Sweden like this! The third biggest party in Sweden is the racist shithead party! This guy probably came to the US in order to live more comfortably as a racist, in a country where the racist shithead party is in power, but he was almost certainly a racist before coming to the US.

Those shanks look absolutely incredible.

Seal’s her babydaddy, so she’s black by injection.

Republicans just want someone who will keep appointing their judges and rubber stamping their legislation. Pence could do that too, but they would pay a political price with their base by getting rid of Trump.

The people who actually want Trump as their leader are assholes who are living vicariously through him.

Christopher Ray is literally the only appointee in the administration that is worth even a quarter of a damn.

he’s useful for getting the things done that the GOP wants to get done. That’s why. If he had stopped being useful, they would have removed him from office. But so long as he can perform for them, and get them what they want, they’ll do whatever he wants.
The moment he stops being useful to them, they will throw him

Have you seen how they’ve been able to pack the courts with nincompoop or just plain villainous conservative judges? Hell, he’s doing a GREAT job for them on THAT note.

Of course they did. He keeps winning. People will always follow evil as long as evil is on the winning team.

It’s a Grifters Unite situation.

They’re hoping they can finish rigging our electoral system before they get hit with the blowback.  A few more years of gerrymandering and voter suppression, and it’ll be a one-party system.

Because we’re talking about a group of angry resentful people who were sick and tired of Obama and Liberals for 8 years. They want revenge. They’re enjoying that Liberals get triggered and they don’t want that to end. Other than that these self entitled yokels only care about winning. Which requires that they ignore