Susan Collins and her water carrying ass is going to be out of a motherfucking job come November, her pretense at “moderation” has been shown to be nothing more than a fiction.
Susan Collins and her water carrying ass is going to be out of a motherfucking job come November, her pretense at “moderation” has been shown to be nothing more than a fiction.
How depressing. But we still have to vote in massive numbers. You dont have to be in those republican state to vote against them. Especially Mitch the Moscow Bitch, Susan no lip Collins, Lindsey Come Out Closet already Graham, the senator from Tennessee, and any others yall can think of. Let’s vote out all republicans…
It’s astonishing. You couldn’t devise a worse fact pattern if you tried.
Except, it’s not just the people voluntarily giving the information. Joe Schmoe over here decides he wants to find out if he’s really Italian or Irish, so he sends off his DNA and gets some BS results back in the mail that says, “surprise! you’re 87.4% Albanian, 12% Burmese, and .6% Choctaw.” Police have an unsolved…
You neglected to mention that stupid people are not merely “giving up” their DNA, they’re actually paying for the dubious privilege of having their privacy violated, and by proxy the privacy of many other innocent victims. What a fucking brilliant business model, though.
It’s already a thing that we have to remind folks that companies like Ancestry WILL SELL YOUR DNA whenever they feel like it because they can continuously updated their terms to reflect the decisions they make.
In this world of cheating and hacking, why are we using sketchy third party software in our elections?
And this is what the Republicans want you to think.
Ugh right. Unfortunate I have been wide awake both times the fuckery broke out.
Why do we need to “get the count out to the media faster”? I’m content to get the count out to the media by the next afternoon along with a solid paper trail verifying the accuracy of the count.
This whole thing has given me flashbacks to 2000. I went to bed after Florida was called for Gore then woke up to “WTF?”
That app was partially funded by Buttigieg’s campaign; one he urged for after he demanded they use a more advanced method to “get the count out to the media faster”. I mean, I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but this one smells like stagnant sewage.
Totally Not Corrupt Co.
Caucuses. Are. The. Worst.
White hot mess. Twitter is in flames I cannot. This is the first time I’ve felt like Trump could win again.
Shadow Inc, which built the app at the center of last night’s drama,
From the chatter on social media I’ve learned Bernie won but also lost, Biden lost but this was also good for him and Hillary Clinton and Robby Mook rigged the app, and Pete Buttigieg is a CIA hitman. You know, completely sane stuff.
It’s their core value.
Cover-ups and treason are the republican way.
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