Babylon System

The secret is overt racism. 

Underrated comment.

Yeah, Trump has shown us how much our system relied on decency and shame. I still have some optimism that our system’s strong enough to withstand this and will be strengthened because of it, but holy fucking shit, it’s mind-blowing how close to breaking it is right now simply because a man incapable of shame and with

If Trump has exposed anything, it’s the weak fucking nature of the apparent laws and “norms” that govern our own government. They mean nothing.

The sad part? This entire hearing will change nothing. Words will be thrown around, folks will bluster and argue over semantics, Pelosi will stonewall any impeachment talk, and we’ll go right back to Fox News doing victory laps for the little fascist-in-chief.

Which was both infuriating and devastating. Every time anyone asks someone why they didn’t bother reporting their assault, the answer should be “Kavanaugh”. Blasey-Ford turned her life, and her family’s lives, upside-down for nothing. Worse than nothing, really.

Every single time. Kavanaugh was a perfect example of that.

Damn, White men get away with a lack of composure that would absolutely destroy people from less privileged demographic groups.

Doesn’t matter. The answer to all questions seems to be “go read the thing.”

The thing that angers me the most is that these arguments are proffered entirely in bad faith. They appear to have no concern whatsoever for doing their fucking jobs and asking Mueller legitimate questions germane to the investigation.

I kinda enjoy seeing him so frightened that he’s pissing his twitter. Granted, this isn’t going to amount to anything but he’s always amusing when he’s squealing like a pig.

High class amphetamines are the tits. 

The one thing Trump never lied about: his stamina. This guy has not let up a goddamn second since he took office. And he’s aged me in fuckin’ dog years.



....and then the republicans said

When folks suggest that the poor White folks who support Trump are “voting against their own interests”, you have to step back to understand their interests.

Also that the majority of people that use this program are children. These people are taking the food out of children’s mouths. When these people arrive in hell and some random demon starts to use the penis flattener on them, said demon should also slap them in the face if they act surprised about it.

A friendly reminder; SNAP is basically a drop in the proverbial bucket when it comes to the federal budget, and “abuse of food stamps” is mostly a myth made up by white politicians to take food out of the mouth’s of the poor and give the money to the rich.

I am an Asian American man, and I think that Asian American women have achieved “white adjacency” or are at least pretty close.