Which part of Two Thessalonians did they talk about smacking girls asses like Trump does at 1:07 in the video above?
Which part of Two Thessalonians did they talk about smacking girls asses like Trump does at 1:07 in the video above?
When we call someone a racist, we are placing them in a category of person that is unworthy of public power, respect, or indeed, anything apart from contempt
Call a white dude a racist when they’ve made outright, inescapably clearly racist remarks and watch their heads explode.
Remember when the President ran on a platform of closing the ties between government and lobbyist?
Man you Trump supporters are fucking idiots.
No one ever tells a white person speaking fluent English, “Go back to where you came from.” But it happens pretty constantly to minorities. You can go to Twitter, put in “Go back to where you came from” into the search bar, and you’ll see a lot of stories. The saddest thing is that a lot of Native Americans have been…
It’s like Dr. King always said, “No one knows what qualifies as racist as well as elite white conservatives who don’t know a single person of color.”
Lying racists.
I’m sure I missed a few things.
One down. 63 million to go.
Papaya Pol Pot may be the best name I’ve heard for him yet. And alliterative, too!
“Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins. It’s as simple as that.”
Republicans Hate That Trump Said The Quiet Part Loud Again
The president’s comments were destructive, demeaning, and disunifying.
Mine is more of a collection of clown noses, nun veils, eye patches, tutus, and one Marie Antoinette wig. Nobody ever expects a fugitive in a 2-ft platinum blonde beehive.
One of my many pet peeves is this whole arbitrary standard used as a way to minimize certain voices in this country, and this goes back in my adult life back to post-9/11 when those who did not support military action were being labeled un-American.
But he can still be shot by a concerned citizen, right? Is that still on the table
The depressing thing is that there is still a 75% chance that Epstein will be released. Even for pedophile rapist sex traffickers, there is a two tiered justice system that benefits the powerful.
... his lawyer said that as a defense. Huh.
I did mean standard OF detail but never got back in time to edit it.