I think I know just the mechanism that you are talking about.
I think I know just the mechanism that you are talking about.
If only Pelosi had a means with which to formally denounce such dangerous rhetoric. Someplace other than Twitter. Some official pulpit that she could use to, on the national record, speak out against this.
If I was that cop, I would’ve shot him and claimed “feared for my life”.
There is nothing more quintessentially New York than an old white coot telling a Puerto Rican born in the Bronx to “go back to your country.”
Honestly, it’s a shithole!
This may be the first time I’ve ever agreed with Trump. The three of them are from a country whose government is “a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world.”
I guess the criminalization of blackness is now complete; and every black male is a criminal, every white man a saint.
If it says Trump, burn it to the fucking ground. Enough of this shit. Is it associated with Trump? BURN IT TO THE FUCKING GROUND!
I’ll say it again: want to see gun reform? Have all POC exercise their 2nd amendment rights.
Can’t even be a cop while black now?!?! What the.....ah just more f...kery….
I ... I mean what the actual fuck?!
Nancy is just pissed because it’s her job to demonize non white male Democratic Congresspeople
Ahh fuck it, it’s Friday afternoon... Lets mad-lib it up:
I’ve been looking at the neo. Time to pull the trigger...
Unless you have donated to his re-election campaign and it’s an election year for his office, don’t waste your time complaining to a politician.
How many warnings do people need before they figure out he’s going to try and become a dictator?!
How many lives did he ruin? Great, you dropped cases or vacated convictions, but the victims are already scarred, jobs lost or never got, children taken away from their parents, victims having to spend even a minute in jail .
Meanwhile in conservative states:
Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.