Babylon System

I don’t want to burst any bubbles but he’s going to say the things we already know from the report - he won’t make a call about Trump’s guilt or probable guilt, he’ll say Congress should act within their purview if they feel so inclined, and he’ll make a bunch of statements that can be taken out of context for Trump

Now playing

Aka a fancy ass, open face grilled cheese sandwich.

“Reminder that” blah blah blah.

Because killing colored babies is doing the work for white America and gets a pass.

How did she get to just come back here?”

White privilege isn’t about being wealthy.

Fake ass “christians”, like Pence, are having a great time making hell on Earth.

And yet no special prosecutor for all the killer cops they have on their fucking forces.

Pres. Obama didn’t start this. The routine separation and detention are all Trump-era. It’s cute that you want to conflate occasionally separating families for short periods of time to determine if they’re actually related, from what’s happening now, which is they ALL go to concentration camps, regardless. That is

What a fucking world we live in if learning how to help support basic human rights is a god damn “leftist agenda.”

We’ve made it past just half of Friday, anyway, depending on what time zone you’re in.. :o Whether we make it through the rest is still up in the air.

Small nitpick. It’s definitely the meth-fueled version of The West Wing. Trump’s not about to pay for the good stuff.

So a three time college dropout is trying to goad an utter failure of a human being into a war so the fat fuck’s poll numbers can go up? Thanks white people really. If I could throw Hannity in a wood chipper I would do so in a minute. That fucking network is going to get innocent people killed. Who the fuck am I

We really did end up with the cocaine fueled version of The West Wing and I feel like now is the best time to live your life like it’s golden since we clearly have no idea what will happen next.

It’s not dumb, it’s ruthlessly greedy. The Iraq War was not a mistake to the people that pocketed billions (trillions?) as a result of it.

It would be so cool if we could actually learn from our past mistakes.

Why don’t we call voting for Biden in the General Election “Plan B.”

Can we stop this? Yeah, Biden said something shitty and has done some shitty stuff in the past, but can we stop denigrating him? He’s a viable candidate and he’s polling how he will smash Trump in 2020. It’s not the time to make it so people will vote from other 3rd party candidate who has zero chance of winning, but

I was actually just thinking this when I read about his doubling down on it. If you want to play up your Bipartisan Boomer cred, why not talk about Bob Dole or Jack Kemp or someone who is more fondly remembered? Or John McCain, we’re still at the point where it’s a crime against Discourse to pretend like he’s anything

As someone who deeply hopes this guy isn’t the eventual nominee; if it’s between him and Donald Trump - please do vote for him.