Babylon System

Always relevant:

Yes the same African American President you and your collection of scumbags sought to make a one term President. The same African American President who you denied a Supreme Court justice. Five minutes that’s all I want with this piece of shit. Five. Please.

Seeing as how they found him in the car with the fucking weapon I sincerely doubt that. But hey keep on keeping on dumbass. For real get a clue and a fucking life

One more time, this verdict. The shit that went on in Phoenix. The anniversary of The Mother AME shooting, the aftermath of which was law enforcement buying a murderer a fucking meal from Burger King. Too many other instances documented on film to keep mentioning and y’all are expecting me to give a shit about Bill

Um, I like the result, but your discussion of it leaves a great deal to be desired.

But when Kavanaugh gets testerical and starts screaming and crying, that’s OK.

Feelings are for the weak, unless someone is trying to suggest you pay more taxes or suggests you molested somebody else.

Means even said that he got upset because the father told the kids to ignore him. That shit hurt his heart.

It always gets me when a racist white person lets their racism get in the way of their bottom line. That’s the kind of racism that seperates you from the casual racists, when you love your racism more than you love your money. You will risk a sale, and the money to feed and cloth your own family, ‘cause one of your

I think he’s got a whoooole lot of White Nationalists living rent-free in his gut.

Ladies and gentlemen, the master race:

There is -nothing- on Earth that will get white folks with a little power and ego enraged faster then telling them to mind. their. business, second only to not falling on one’s face and begging for forgiveness when said white person doesn’t feel as if he or she is being groveled to enough. The moment their power is

My spouse works for law enforcement. It’s a good group. No, really. When they get calls of “suspicious black men”, first they demand to know what the poor soul is doing that’s so suspicious (almost always nothing), then they bitch out the caller for wasting their time. They regularly train in deescalation and conflict

It’s kind of amazing how much taxpayers are comfortable with paying so that police can continue to attack black people with impunity. Cities can’t afford to re-pave their roads or fix their sidewalks or invest in education because they’re too busy paying out so a bunch of cops can play Dirty Harry to a fucking


Yep, fuck these guys and any officer who lies or stays silent to protect them. I'm not a fan of the death penalty for anyone except public servants, especially those who are supposed to protect us. The only thing that would keep me from wishing death on all police officers would be for the "good" ones to restore my

I would ask him real questions that deserves an answer so he would get mad since he can’t do that simple basic thing.

In his defense, the officer was probably just on edge from being surrounded by so many giant, successful, black men.

If this were my wife and I it would go down like that, she knows everything fucking thing about me.

This is what happens when the republicunts take over, the garbage trash that they are.