Really he wants a replacement Scalia?
Really he wants a replacement Scalia?
The moderators all killing me
Hillary Clinton “No.”
Thank you Anderson for bringing to the tweets
Hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart??
That black guy is literally looking at him like “seriously”
Why does he keep pacing around?
200 generals and admirals?? Again with this shit?
Did he just say he disagrees with Pence?
Mr. Trump let me repeat the question. Damn!!
He never says what he is doing to do
Is Kara Brown on this thread to let us know??
Damn Michael Steele just don’t give no fucks
We have the highest taxes in the world?!
Wow that still of him looking like he is orgasming! I need to bleach my brain
Maybe he wants to do business in Moscow??
Did CBS camera do an extreme close-up of Hillary’s face?
He basically doubled down on the Muslim/Syrian refugee ban. Wtf
Did you see Hillary’s fucking face when he said if he was president Captain Khan would still be alive???
Fuck she killed it!!!