
Yeah, I liked this commercial a lot. I get that it was gently poking fun at “Diversity” (capital D) but they did so in a clever way that didn’t seem insulting. Hell, the last line/payoff was a great dig and reminder of the origins of Australian culture. And the “And this guy... Stan” was great. It’s much more well

These diverse people are all eating the succulent flesh of pure, innocent white lambs.

Omg its a metaphor for white genocide.

A contract simply doesn’t mean what it used to, I guess.

Zara, the Spanish fashion pirates who’ve progressively become known for ripping off designers and selling their designs as fast fashion


That’s weird. I didn’t know people could be reincarnated before they died. And, yet, here Phyllis Schlafly still lives among us.

I can’t remember hearing about it, so it’s pretty hard to defend someone you don’t know exists. Especially when the article you linked doesn’t quote what he actually said.

She did not admit that she was wrong:

“Treating their illegal immigration as a crime deserving of detention and deportation doesn’t make me feel better.”

Their crime is existing here, not existing where they originally came from.

They’d probably allow the abortion and then imprison her for murder. Two birds, one stone.

Paying to go to a restaurant, where you have to cook your own food.

No, it is bad. Sorry, yes, it is cheap and I guess what do you expect. But I hate that so many people legitimately think it is representative of Swedish cuisine, which is so much more than frozen meatballs and some flabby gravlax. The only good thing is that I can get me bags and bags of Daim candy.

I’m going to open a spa where you have to do your own facials and massages, while under supervision from professional staff. Afterward you get to mix your own cucumber water.

I don’t even like making my own salad at a restaurant let alone a full meal. I am a lazy, lazy toddler with a credit card- just bring me cake and maybe some crayons and I will tip you and leave. No muss, no fuss.

We already have this; it’s called a cooking class.

People with too much money keep finding more annoying ways to part with it.

She’s projecting her insecurity onto him.

Aging nicely?

No, I’m nitpicking terminology because I have access to the internet and am therefore aware that when it comes to the Obamas even the slightest thing gets jumped on as “OMG she’s hiding something criminal in her past by surrendering her licence”.