
which caters to the adult baby community. Not men’s rights activists, just people who like wearing diapers.

He doesn’t own the show anymore. He owned it when he was hosting, but he and his production company have no stake in Colbert’s show.

She was offered the role for the Daily Show? Honestly, I like her and her skits. I don’t even know why people on this site turn on celebs sometimes. They are just like “We have formally declared that Taylor Swift iz the wurst, anyone who thinks otherwise shall be insulted or ignored”. It can be pretty bizarre.

From an NYT interview a few weeks after it was announced:

None, but I'm sure he could have been an advocate for a funny lady.

No, I read an interview with Sam Bee where she said she wasn’t *ASKED*. She said that she feels “very zen” about it (…). So we still have her show and maybe she would’ve turned it down, but it’s amazing they didn’t ask.

I loved her show, but she’s a kook.

Longevity is how long something retains a certain level of popularity and it is obviously too soon to tell for Hamilton. Popularity is a more of-the-moment measure of how well-liked something is and by how many people. Number of shows is not a reliable indicator of how many people like the show or how much those

Art should be accessible to the general public at any level at a fair price.

Yeah, look, this is musical theatre. Old rich white people is the demographic for pretty much ALL of it. Hamilton is an oddity specifically because it’s one of the few that has attracted a young, diverse audience. But those young diverse ticket holders aren’t exactly the ones who are supporting Broadway.

Why do you think he may think that? From the quote in the article he seems like he is trying to run a business/make money:

He slipped them into drinks or told them it was something else. Neither of those things happened in this case.

This does not compare to Cosby at all.

I didn’t say it had to be forcible to be rape. I am saying that dishonesty doesn’t make for rape.

Bc he’s a badass musician/producer and what better occasion for mixing camo patterns. He also performed.

“ she needs to use some contraception.”

Again, Muslim is not a race. Every race in the world has Muslim adherents.

I don’t think he does have other kids, and am not sure how having an ex wife makes him a bad person.

I don’t know latin so I’m just going to assume that chest tattoo translates into “No Ragrets.”

“How was she getting it if she had no prescription?”

I’m guessing you’re not too familiar with athlete doping cases, because getting this kind of stuff is no problem whatsoever for most of them.

The infraction is in taking a banned substance, period. It doesn’t matter if she says she got it for legit reasons or whether it was prescribed at one point. If it can be proven that she took it knowing that it was performance- enhancing, that’s an additional punishment. Whether or not the dope serves medical purposes