
Yeah, but she didn’t even have a current prescription. So even following your logic, she’s in the wrong.

The entire Russian Olympic team faces a possible ban from the shit filled waters of Rio for dozens of athletes taking the exact same drug. This is systematic doping. She’s a fucking liar.

because of this drug, Olympic organization is ready to suspend whole Russian team.

A medical prescription that had expired 3 years ago though.


The issue is that there was no record of her still having that prescription after 2013, but she’s continued taking the drug, even after it was banned.

Whoopi’s living the dream. Gets to be paid millions to go work for a couple hours a day and shout random nonsense and then go home and smoke weed.

I know I know. I tend to just skim by the Beyoncé/Jay-Z/Lemonade stuff. I was old before my time, and now I’m legit an Old by internet standards. Give me a break. Get off my lawn.


Maybe infidelity has more to do with who the cheater is than the spouse?

But where was Rachael Ray during this time?

The look of fear and regret from trying to step to the Knowles. Maybe someone told her Solange was coming.

Engaged, I think

I ONLY like the first few episodes because they’re so over the top cheesy. Once it starts getting “serious” with a few guys, I’m out.

Is definitely not something a closeted gay guy would say, what are you talking about?

Man, the University of Tokyo is really upping their robotics game. He looks almost human.

I know you’re being sarcastic / taking the stance of awful Chris Evans fans who are criticizing Jenny Slate, but:

The Calvin Harris thing is weird and annoys me. I’m sorry that they didn’t have a private room for you dude, but they had a lot patients who are just as important and you. And who would recognize him, really? Most people probably only know him as Mr. Taylor Swift. It’s not like he’s Beyoncé and would be instantly

She was, and she was also in the last season of Charmed. Yes, I actually watched that.