As I said in my other comment, take pity on your eyes. ELF eyeliners cost a buck. It’s worth it not to have to put antibiotic eye drops in twice a day for a week.
I understand that the class was somewhat silly or very niche at the least, but I’m confused why it was written by someone who doesn’t know much about makeup and doesn’t want to. Like no, even I am not interested in applying five foundations to my face but, yes, you do have to use “glitter glue” to apply glitter.…
Guys, I’m like, so broken up that I won’t be able to marry an angry misogynist.
Seems only fair - only young, inexperienced idiots would consider these assholes marriage material.
Is this an article making fun of people who like makeup, on a blog for people who like makeup? I’m confused.
5 foundations, 1.5 hours... unless you’re going to be on TV that’s a huge NOPE. Special occasion m/u takes 45 minutes at the LONGEST with lashes and eyelid tape henny
Mind your own vagina, please.
Because her voice and music were fantastic, and because her potential was barely tapped. People love talented people, it's no mystery.
She only released two studio albums, but they’re both incredible showcases of her singing talent. The first, Frank, was a jazz album. The second, Back to Black, was a soul album. I honestly would put her voice on those albums up with great jazz and soul singers like Billie Holiday and Aretha Franklin.
She was a very talented musician, regardless of her struggles.
Try harder. If you cared more you'd make room for some immigrants in your place too.
The Vatican has taken in a Syrian refugee family:…
Have you been to Vatican City? I have. There is no place to put them. It’s very, very, VERY tiny. Only a 109 acres. George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch is 4,700 acres. Maybe someone should bother him. He has the room. Heck, Harvard, yeah, the university, is twice as big as Vatican City. Has anyone tried them? Honestly, at…
Symbolic, yes, but ultimately at the expense of the family. There are no schools, few or no employment options, it’s no place for a family and would add needless taxation issues on top of language and cultural barriers. Better that they live in Rome, as the church is encouraging.
Isn't he elected, though? By a bunch of old queens with special smoke or something?
This is a joke, yes? The Pope is from Argentina, and surprising as it was to Dan Quayle, they do not speak Latin in Latin America. You may have to sit down for this.
Have you been to Vatican City? I’m not fan of the pope, but VC is teeny tiny. Humanitarian or not, there is a logistical space issue of allowing more people to move in there.
they’ve encouraged Catholic parishes to accept and welcome immigrants, but the Vatican City isn’t really a place where anyone who isn’t church staff lives, so I think the criticism they’ve gotten has been unfair. It’s not much more than a few city blocks in the middle of Rome that is almost entirely taken up by the…