
Haters gonna hate, I love my ring.

It is so so so so so so hard. I’m only in my late 20s and recently ended a relationship where I had STEP KIDS because my partner did not serve my better good at all. It fucking sucks. I have a whole new appreciation for people who get divorced/have kids and are in a shitty relationship. It is just so brutal.

This isn’t that surprising. Fashion tends to swing from one side to the other. Solitaire rings got so huge they couldn’t get much bigger and once you add to that the current trend of everything being ‘artisanal’ and ‘curated’, a swing to smaller stones with more individuality makes total sense.

Oh come on America. You’re coming off too strong. He's never going to ask us to the fall fling now : (

Azealia Banks makes me....tired.

As much as I like Jon Hamm, I’m wondering why you hate Amy Pohler.

I know him as “the Douche.” As in “Crazy Ira and the Doooouche” from Parks and Rec. Also he’s on the League. But to me, he’ll always be The Douche.

Do we think Azealia Banks is funny or entertaining, because to me she comes off as insufferable, bordering on unhinged. She's like a god-damned time bomb, but not in a fun, Kanye West kind of way.

Miranda seems like someone you don’t want to fuck around with too much...

“She’s such a good actor that I feel like they could do anything with her”

Dear Evan Ross, nice try being cast in the Pharrell biopic with that hat. In case you forgot, Pharell doesn't age and is going to play himself.

word i feel like all the hip white people i know listen exclusively to future, run the jewels, drake & death grips maybe

Hip hop is the new cool white people genre didn’t you know?

What does this have to do with... Jezebel?

The issue is not that these “men” used poor judgement in posting their sexual exploits online. The issue here is that these “men” used women as sex toys, participated in non consensual sex with at least one women, and bragged about their actions publicly - with no thought for the humanity of the women they used and

I'm actually so stunned at the reaction of the community. What a fantastic thing for the local businesses to do. I'm not going to comment on the vile PUAs, because I want to focus on the positives; real action against rape culture.

Well. I guess even towns renowned for civility and gentility have their share of pigs.

Bros starting and or using a coffee shop to meet and use women. Sadly, I’m not surprised.

What is the link between gentrified neighborhoods and liking “Inside Amy Schumer”?