
Even as a woman of color I can see this.

“I don’t want to come off as a shrill, humorless, PC-obsessed deconstructivist, so I’m going to try and sound like I’ve thought deeply about the issue and actually have a nuanced view and reluctantly came to the conclusion that there is something wrong here.”

Ur moms problematic

Also a good show! Winning, overall, means squat.

It’s not JUST that she’s racist.

I triple love that her head writer is a woman. A FUNNY WOMAN hired a funny woman and they won all the awards!!! Kudos to all of them.

There it is.

*waiting for the but she’s racist comments.*

Didn’t JS just this week say marrying him was her biggest financial mistake? Even though their marriage is why they got the reality show that paved the way for any other financial windfall they’ve both earned since?

You believe he actually said that?

I have a feeling Nick Lachey didn’t say a damn thing about Jessica’s HSN appearance.

Not to be that person, but the Lena Dunham Instagram was in response to an earlier insta where Dunham said something about being depressed and having a shitty day. And the comments seemed to assume that meant they broke up. Hence, the second Instagram. So not THAT cryptic.

She’s not exactly innocent in the don’t-talk-shit-about-your-ex department.

I think he had an intent.

I figure, people do what they want to do. If no one ends up crying, hurt, jailed, or dead, it’s probably ok. But I was raised in a big family and these were the rules when I was raised. I’m kidding but only sort of. I don’t get the vitriol.

Would we rather he spent the $1500 and enrolled himself into NYU course on Food Security instead? Would that fall above the hipster cutoff? Or would we stop bitching if he gets a show on the Travel Network?

I think we have lived in cities for far too long if we think that reading a book is sufficient as far as learning is concerned.

All the love, Mark. You’re so awesome. From the bottom of my heart, congratulations and well done.

I have an exclusive pic of the wedding:

I like that this post finds this silver lining in stupidity and hateful ignorance of Kim Davis. I long for the days where I no longer have to hear about her. She's a fuckin' butthead.