you are really mad about maybe having to wait an extra 30 seconds for a beer on your <60 min regional jet flight.
you are really mad about maybe having to wait an extra 30 seconds for a beer on your <60 min regional jet flight.
This is. This is too good. It’s too good.
He wasn’t targeted, he was killed by a stray bullet out of the THIRTY bullets someone unleashed on the crowd. That’s why this headline kills me—they’re pretending the costumes are the headline when several people have already been shot and I’ve been hearing sirens and fighting outside my window all freakin’ day.
Wrong India, Columbus.
Yeah, hopefully those two gangs that killed Mr. Gabay were caught on some camera and the perpetrators will spend the rest of their lives behind bars.
OK I was not expecting that from the headline. “Hey look at these cool costumes, oh yeah some people got stabbed and stuff but whatever.”
He got shot in the head and is on a respirator.
I am not talking about her personal life and thank you for sharing so much of yours.
“Yes, I’m a troll who just lied about my father dying.”
Part of what makes you one of Jezebel’s/Gawker’s better trolls is that you’re good at blurring the boundary between sincere and provocative. You’re getting a little sloppy in this thread, though, so you might need to dial it down a bit.
Yes, but as a tv writer - actually met with Fox execs around this time, and talked extensively about the show - when it wasn’t working. I’d have to say race wasn’t a priority for her, or she could’ve made it happen. Having also worked for Shonda Rhimes, that woman makes POC a priority in her casting. I don’t think…
actually it shows that some only feel being mixed with another race can make south americans “attractive” That in itself is racist
Just signed up to co-sign this. I think there is a new wave of proud South Asians, though. Although he’s bi-racil, Zayn Malik is extremely proud of his background, and you see it in the model he’s linked to now. Manish Dayal is the next big thing acting-wise, and he’s married to a gorgeous South Asian woman. Even if…
Indian people are not racially mixed....there are a ton of rules about even what class and family you can marry. My friends parents threatened to disown her when she dated out her caste/region, even though the guy was Hindu and Indian too. Brazilians, though, yes.....mixing produces beautiful people.
That’s good! But, weird that it took so many years. Good news either way.
I agree to a certain extent. And, can say almost all my Asian-American friends (and I mean from all parts of Asia) never date South Asian/Asian men, and I can’t help to think colonization mixed with a bit of generational self-hatred is a part of this. But, I think, for a women of color tv character playing with…
She isn’t the only POC on her show, there are two or three now I think. Even though the black woman’s characterization her first season was absolutely painful to watch, but luckily its better now and Kaling does make digs about being the only PoC in some episode or another. I re-watched the show again, and I wish it…
I am definitely not there with you. I imagine she has a lot to balance between being a first generation (idk for sure) American and her parents being “from the homeland.” I think the public has greater access to that dichotomy because she is more open about it and thereby we see her perceived whiteness1 (commonly…