Everyone has to have skipped school to go to Hampton Beach once, right? If not high school, then if you go to an in-state college, you do it then. But just once.
Everyone has to have skipped school to go to Hampton Beach once, right? If not high school, then if you go to an in-state college, you do it then. But just once.
No that would be RI. We’re more of the Bass Pro Shop of New England.
Your assumption is incorrect. NH has no state income tax, and no sales tax. The revenue from the state liquor stores helps fund our state government.
As always, Jezebel screws up NH stories. The bartenders guides were NOT purchased to be sold to customers. They were bought as reference guides for employees. In NH, the liquor stores are state run. That means that these are state employees who didn’t seem to think that they should be required by the state to discuss…
She lost her license because she refused the breath test and her awesome parents took her car away.Her parents are the heroes here.
“So, simply the fact that a black woman writes shows with other black women as protagonists is enough reason to watch those shows”
So, simply the fact that a black woman writes shows with other black women as protagonists is enough reason to watch those shows, even when the dialogue is ham handed, the plots are contrived and the sujets are worn out (a hospital show!)? Jenji Kohan is a much better showrunner imo with really good original shows…
There is only one training standard. I suggest reading up on a topic before complaining about it.
I guess I don’t see how a scholarship fund can NOT be seen as sketchy when it allows nudity in its submission/application video but perhaps i’m in the minority.
I have no problem with nudity. Nor do I have a problem with porn (provided that it’s consensual and safe) what I do have a problem with is targeting young girls who are still in highschool to provide nude videos of themselves in exchange for college money. If that’s what they’re doing then yes, I have a huge problem…
Because they said nudity in the submission video was acceptable.
“Whenever I see someone start a post by qualifying their race I instantly call BS.”
But I love my multi colored eyeliner.
Or, to put it another way - why are hair extensions, high heels, or winged eyeliner “still a thing.” Why are choker necklaces from the 90s coming back? Why do I shave half my hair off, and then let the other half go long, even though that requires more maintenance to keep it from looking weird? Why do people wear…
Nail art is a thing because sometimes people like things you don’t like.
Because some of us enjoy it. If nudes and neutrals is what you prefer then that is what you should wear but there is no need to disparage people who like a little more color.
The past is not something easily skipped over. And famous people should appreciate that, as the past is what has given them their fame. After all, Tyler is hardly famous for what he did 5 minutes ago. As such, we are no more likely to skip over Tyler’s early work, as that we are are likely to skip over David Bowie’s…
Julianne... its not just that he’s a misogynist he’s a homophobe.