I enjoyed this.
I enjoyed this.
I’ve never quite known what to think of Tyler. Part of me thinks he is incredibly smart and a savvy businessman, and he reminds me a lot of the guys I hung out with in high school or a new wave Bam Margera. Part of me fucking HATES HIS SMUG FACE AND STUPID MUSIC because dear god...Tyler you may say that the shit on…
Outside of the media, who’s talking about this?
I heard about this yesterday, and almost threw up with excitement. The last time I felt like that was in the early nineties, every Friday night when TGIF would start.
Never knew I could be jealous of a felt puppet, but here the fuck we are.
We’ve seen. The internet has seen. Breakfast, lunch, and fucking dinner indeed.
Ariana? That you?
A prodigy in our midst!
Putting the Tric in Trichinosis
We are at a point in the chronology of “reality television” by which, as the generation of people such as Bukowski came of audition age, MTV’s Real World had already been on the air for two decades. The RH franchises have been around a long while...even Tila Tequila’s A Shot at Love ended in 2008...
on a lighter note baby I’m really proud of your typing
This is the first time I've ever heard of unearned fame ending badly. Because I was born yesterday and am a baby who can read and write in English.
no but you’re supposed to wear it for murders
I see what you mean.
Self-obsessed, bloviating, frequently offensive, megalomaniacal candidates seem to be en vogue right now. Kanye should run during this electoral cycle instead of waiting until 2020.