She looks good, but I am so sick of this trend.
She looks good, but I am so sick of this trend.
There is Spanish and there is Catalan. There isn’t Spanish Catalan
:praying hands emoji x 4:
whenever ppl bitch about taylor bringing friends on stage i’m just like...wouldn’t you ask your friends? and wouldn’t you say yess if you were probably asked? or if a big artist loved your band and wanted to share the stage with you, WOULDNT YOU SAY YES?
Billy Joel, an up-and-coming singer who shows some promise, has taken a few pages out of Taylor Swift’s book
I think Gwyneth Paltrow has told us about her friend, William Joel. A singer you say?
Jia (and Clover) you guys are killin it with the great new music today.
I don’t know; to me, his posturing of taking a selfie of himself holding a handgun and posting it to social media shows that he’s contributing to gun culture.
The benefit concert I was referring to (not the ones he was sued for failing to appear at) was bullshit because he couldn’t even appear in person because he was dodging a warrant. It was also bullshit because first he said it was for the family of his friend who got shot, and then when he was called out on it he said…
You’re right. I’ve never heard about a single good thing he’s done aside from the bullshit “benefit concert.”
I hope you’re right, but given that just over a year ago, he was evicted from a home for failure to pay rent and after neighbors complained about his behavior (including posing holding a handgun in the bathroom of the home and posting it on social media in clear violation of his probation requirements), I’m not…
“He’s not perfect” is the understatement of the year. “A while ago” is relative when he’s got a hell of a record for a 20-year-old.
I didn’t buy that for a second, given his past and present behavior. Shooting a firearm from a car in a neighborhood, flashing a gun at and then pointing a gun at cops (I know the CPD has a history of making stuff up, but there was actual evidence this time) parole violations from using/shooting a firearm while on…
Yes, he kind of is. One of them includes a 14 year old! What a guy to promote.
It’s really disheartening, yep.
I don’t know. I’m kind of enjoying watching people fall all over to insist that they hated both of them before it was cool. This was a totally not predictable chain of events.
I don’t get all the hate here. Even if you’re not interested in seeing the movie or don’t care that two women are getting together to write it, why hate on it? You’re not doing anyone any favors and aren’t we always talking about how women need more representation in Hollywood? Now that you get even a smidgen of it,…
According to the NYT interview, they only just met earlier this month. That means they produced 100 pages in less than a month! That’s pretty unusual, and it makes me wonder about the quality.
I don’t hear the brilliance in his vocal technique. Agree to disagree on that one