Ok is anyone surprised that Hef was a man that manipulated women? Especially young naive women with stars in their eyes?
Ok is anyone surprised that Hef was a man that manipulated women? Especially young naive women with stars in their eyes?
I don’t know about the dumb part. He donated a shitload of money for the rebuilding of New Orleans and did extensive work with architects in that project, as allegedly he’s really into architecture.
Both Anthony Hopkins and Peter O’Toole said they liked working with him, so I have no reason to think he’s dumb or…
I always thought Kendra was the least delusional. She embraced the fact that she was basically just young, hot, and silly.
Hugh Hefner? A creepy old fuck?
Oh, but we’re talking about Hollywood, where everything that’s not a kitchen, salon or a kindergarten class is “a man’s world”.
Sounds like some people here are not aware of her.
It sounds like your problem is with the tradition of giving gifts at weddings and not with the registries themselves (or maybe it’s both). I appreciate registries because I don’t want to get them something they don’t like/won’t use. Even people I am close to have at times surprised me with their taste (as in, it’s not…
It’s more like, people want to buy you a gift, and they’ll buy it anyway (even if you ask for donations to charity), so you might as well tell them what would be useful otherwise you’ll get a bunch of shit you don’t want and can’t return.
Err...I did not have anything I needed when I got married. We had hand-me-downs and not many of them. I don’t really see the controversy. Someone spends a ton of money throwing a big party and invites me. I kind of WANT to get them a gift to celebrate. Is that just me? If there was no registry, I’d give cash. I don’t…
Counterpoint: not everyone is a creative gift-giver; some people just want the ease of looking on the registry, clicking a few buttons, and done.
She built her brand from the ground up over the course of decades...
in the realm of rich people’s wedding registry lists, this one is not really that out there.
The accepted thing to do is to not really TELL guests you expect them to buy gifts, but to construct a registry of things for if (really, it’s when) they ask what they can get you. Especially if you have a bridal shower (vs. just the wedding where people easily give cash), the registry makes things easier for…
I don’t mean to go all Jezebel on you, but “old lady” just sounds so ugh. Herrera is an older woman with impeccable taste and an incredibly successful global business, so I’d hazard she absolutely has a right to share such an opinion. Also, judging from this look from the Resort collection she just debuted, it’s not…
The thing is, Dov would apparently go to the stores and choose the employees that he thought were naturally sexy and photograph them. Himself, sometimes. Alone, in his apartment. For days at a time. Allegedly some were underage, and he allegedly took advantage of their sexy alone time.
Your friendly neighborhood pedant here! Are millennials really a “growing” population? If we are 15-years-old at minimum, then no other millennials are being born; the club is closed. Really, we’re a shrinking population because people die all the time.
Not all designers will be game changers. From what I’ve seen, she’s not into the funky, trendy stuff. She has classic, clean lines and that’s her style. Nothing wrong with that. I don’t believe all fashion has to be loud, bold and in your face. But that’s just my opinion.
Like, I want to see Beyonce naked as much as the next person but that dress was boring as fuck.
But this begs the question as to why women feel the need to do this “for themselves.” Let’s say your answer is that it makes them feel good, or empowered. But why? And why isn’t the standard the same for men, then? I don’t see men needing to be as revealing as this to get attention. Their successes stand on their own.