
1. Dan did not do the face tattoo. That is a picture of Gucci Mane, a celeb with a silly ice cream tattoo on his face. The tattoo to the left is the one Dan did, in homage to Gucci Mane’s silly-ass face tattoo. It is not on anyone’s face.

Right; adults (who are tattoo artists) should be able to decide that tattoos on the neck are a stupid thing to get, and to choose not to do them. No artist or business needs your approval in deciding their policies. And believe it or not, tattoo artists are witness to a lot of regret (and the reason for it) on the

How in the world would a tattoo artist be liable for giving you a tattoo you asked for on the part of your body you requested?

The fact that you admit to having alcohol beforehand makes me side-eye a little bit...that and the other tattoo photos, not sure what the point was there. Some of them are really good. But if you want that tattoo so badly I’m glad you just kept going until you found someone who would help you. Artists have every right

I don’t get what you’re trying to accomplish by mocking his work?

“Music producer” ayeah, ok.

I think common sense should tell you that a family consisting of one man and a bunch of mothers and children leads to instability. There’s nothing else to learn from that.

So what you’re describing is basically polygamy without actual government contracts aka: marriage certificates. Polygamy is still illegal in the US, last I checked. Calling it “different familial organization” and saying we should celebrate it is basically asking why we don’t celebrate mormons more often.

I’m sorry, but when was this EVER a good idea for TV show? One man providing unequivocal confirmation bias for racists that see all Black men as inherently unable to control their dicks, constantly creating offspring that they have no intention of supporting.

I think I know what you’re talking about. It was a rapper, don’t remember his name, who had a bunch of baby mamas and kids. The show never made it to air because of the backlash.

Three theories that aren’t even mutually exclusive:

Vasectomy was the best money I’ve ever spent.

Look I can imagine some scenario where a super rich group of women and men have a bunch of kids and raise them happily, but there is no possible way that “different family organization” can work when one man is co-parent to 10 different women, much less as a father of 15 kids. There would have to be other support

Does he want an award? How does that dude’s mind work? Or maybe I shouldn’t try to understand his mind, it will only hurt my own

He’s not in the least interested in being a dad.

I’m thinking he should use condoms that aren’t made out of paper.

lol those are dolls

Seriously. There’s no way any of those kids are getting enough of their father’s parenting, unless he ignores at least 30 of them.

Dads, having more kids will not increase your dadness. You have a fixed amount of dad, and you have to dad it equally among all your kids. Just dad a small daddable group of kids, and each kid will get more dad. That’s just sensible dadmath.

Why would you have this dude’s baby? What is wrong with these women?