
I bought my mother a star for her birthday.... Couldn’t tell you where the fuck it is though. I think she named it after the dog.

$11,000? She sounds like an idiot, because she should be going for way more.

My lawyer will be contacting her about pain and suffering which her sun visited upon my person on my last trip to the beach.

Now that’s a bright idea.

Yes and what I’m saying is that Mr. Seinfeld maybe is a step or two beyond a “successful comedian” in the same way that Mr. Carolla is. Seinfeld is one of the giants of the form. Up there with anyone who’s still alive today. Carolla ain’t.

Adam Carolla isn’t really a successful comedian. He’s a TV/Radio show host who used his fame in those areas to sell venues.

TBH I don’t disagree with Jerry Seinfeld. I don’t think what he’s referencing is “killing” comedy (that’s an overdramatic characterization; if it was, then why do comedy movies draw millions, comedy TV shows draw millions, comedy specials draw millions?), but I think a specific type of collegiate thinking is creating

Maybe you should do a little bit more research. But hey, do you.

Can you make like, even one post where you behave like a decent human being?

Wtf. Get out of here.

This kind of thing seems to happen a lot on the internet.

I kind of disagree with your interpretation of the video? She’s not making fun of black people to demonstrate the stupidity of racism. She’s not saying “all black people look the same LOL joke,” she’s making herself look stupid because she’s so racist in said skit. Again, I don’t mean to offend, but I feel it is

That’s not hipster racism, she’s calling attention to the fact that it’s fucked up when people do that, through comedy, which is a much better way to turn people around on their thinking instead of berating them. SHE is the butt of the joke for being the racist person in the scene, not the black people for being

But the main language in Ghana is English. Accents aside, why didn’t he just explain I’m sorry I don’t understand, can you show me which item in the menu please? Going to get the manager, and then the manager’s manager seems more rude to me than just explaining you don’t know what they mean.

I’m probably missing an important part of this Boof Fallowing story, but it seems to me the problem could have been solved a few paragraphs earlier by simply asking one of the men to just point at the item on the menu they wanted?

Why not just ask them to point to the item on the menu, explains that, “It’s just so noisy in here right now!”

Love your column, Pinkham, but have seen you write “palette” instead of “palate” too many times now to keep quiet any longer. As a writer of stories about food and restaurants, especially a snarky one whose tack is often how lame other people are, you should really know better.

Especially diplomats to the U.S.