I’m happy you know words mean things apparently. I also know that about words. Most people do.
I’m happy you know words mean things apparently. I also know that about words. Most people do.
There really is no need for the attitude. I’m well aware of the questions many female creatives get...BUT she does juggle a lot roles. It’s not that far fetched to ask if someone if they get exhausted and maybe a little doubt creeps in because NOT EVERY PERSON CAN DO IT ALL.
You must have not seen the video. Click on the sideways triangle button to play it. I assure you it’s very cute.
Here is an actual picture of the bonus I got from my editors when I wrote a feature very quickly
Wait, it comes off the plant piping hot? I never knew that. Which plant grows it in bone china cups? I think my mom would love one of those.
Mindy Kaling is creator, writer, executive producer and star of her own show. I’m pretty sure asking her about the physical and mental repercussions of her workload is not unresonable. I would think a guy would face the same kind of question in that situation. Sometimes, a question to a woman is really just that, a…
Maybe she really fucking hates iced tea and didn’t want there to be any confusion.
I’m guessing you and your husband combined don’t have a large enough social media presence to get that $500K ring knocked down to around $5K for tweeting a picture of it with the jeweler’s name.
“And he has a history of running red lights and stop signs. In a beige Buick.”
She faced three suspended licenses for 13 violations. That’s objectively TERRIBLE. And he has a history of running red lights and stop signs. In a beige Buick.
Hi, Nicki’s nipples! Nice to see you out and about.
I think Nicki Minaj is awesome. She’ll be fine. She’s fine, ya know?
Nicki, Nicki! That dress at the top does not fit you properly.
no we love nicki
Okay, thank you, because I could not figure out what the hell that thing was. My first thought it was a 3D printer creating a penis. I don’t know why that was my first thought but it was. I have issues.