
“Physical embodiment” is a pleonastic redundancy. I point it out because I'm a Bobby Finger hater.

I have this little clock in the corner of my computer screen that tells me when it’s time to drink. Usually 5:00, 4:30 on Fridays.

Eh he targeted a young female comedian who called him out for a misogynistic tweet—basically rallying his fans to try and damage her professionally, just because she called him on his bullshit. Posted that he was going to one of her shows, presumably to make her feel intimidated/heckle her. He seems like kind of a

Tbf, the ad was pulled because “he model appeared unhealthily underweight in the image,” so it doesn’t really matter if the model is underweight or suffering from an eating disorder in actuality, the issue is the perception that the ad is promoting unhealthy body standards.

Don’t forget how they passed on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

What difference does it make what she thinks? This isn’t about her, this is about how advertising affects women in general. It’s the Advertising Standards Authority, not the Health and Safety Executive or whatever. Note how the decision talks about how the ad makes her appear, not about what she might look like irl or

Fashion’s obsession with this aesthetic is why she gets work. Why would she talk shit about that?

Policing her body isn’t the point of this initiative; she has the form she has and it’s none of our business. I think it would be overstepping, and also incredibly rude, to seek her out and grill her about her weight and health.

should have been banned on the basis of those shoes alone

How about ISLUT: the International School for Loose and Unseemly Tarts?

If sweatpants send her into a murderous rage, how will she react to orange jumpsuits?

This is just so, so very new. People—especially older people who might not be particularly savvy regarding language and identification issues for trans people—are going to take some time to figure out the right way to express their support. I don’t think it’s a sign of resistance. I think it’s probably a lot easier

She’s a million and a half years old and she’s been not only been thrown for a loop but been plunged into the spotlight while she tries to understand it. Cut her some slack, it really does sound like she’s trying.

It has been ONE DAY since she’s taken her gender transition public. Can we please not demonize her elderly mother, who’s clearly trying to be supportive? We don’t have to applaud her, but jesus, do you expect her to be perfectly versed on trans issues instantly?

I’m annoyed b/c the media seems to want to make the Jenners somehow against this and the Kardashians the heros. The mom didn’t say she didn’t support it, just that it is going to be hard thinking of the son you have known for 65 years as a daughter, but this quote was hardly the quote of an unsupportive mom. Just a

I’m still struggling with my youngest brother not being my sister anymore, and we’d seen it coming for years before he actually asked for male pronouns.

Jesus, way to be compassionate. She’s clearly trying. Are you really going to fault an elderly woman for taking some time to adjust to her child’s gender transition?

Come on, Rob: this is a huge psychological change for her at an age when a lot of people have trouble adjusting to a new coffee maker, much less the gender identity of their child. The point is, she is trying, when she could have written him out of her life.

yea, literally no real issue with her mom’s comments. It’s hard for her, because she’s an old lady who’s called a person she loves one thing for decades! It’s not going to be an overnight thing! It’s not like Caitlyn’s mom is just a random person on the internet.

“I was there last week, well actually, I got home a week and a half ago. And I met Caitlyn. She is… so much more at ease.”