
Huh? I was just related what my friend (who met her) said about her. I’ve never met the lady. And I didn't say anything about her sense of humor so...did you mean for this comment to go to someone else?

Apparently to be her female friend (on TV and off) you have to be less attractive and fatter than her. I really really really want to like Mindy but ugh!

Finally, someone who understands elementary school math.

It’s presented as a pie chart. The segments are sized based on their corresponding number. That is a pie chart.

It’s clear what the numbers are saying, but the visual representation definitely isn’t the high point of the illustrator’s career.

He is a very talented musician. So yes, he would be.

I always sort of go back and forth on things like this, because of course it’s easier to find a guy you want to fuck than it is to find a girl you want to develop a deep and lasting friendship with. I mean, it’s also easier to find a girl you want to fuck than a guy you want to develop a deep and lasting friendship

“It’s so much harder to find a woman you want to be great friends with than find a man to sleep with.”

That’s a cute butt. It’s not great but would I? Yes.

Meek Mill sounds like a sleepy English town.

Too many Kardashians, you guys. Too fucking many. I love eavesdropping on the lives of these vapid, idiotic, generally boring people as much as the next person, but for fucks sake. I think its time we have a one Kardashian per Dirt Bag rule.

You are so much more succinct than I am. But entirely correct!

I loved that line about wanting to give her something as beautiful as she makes him feel. I’ll admit, that one made me melt a little.

I remember my dad giving me flowers on like my fifth or sixth birthday. I guess maybe it was weird but I loved it I felt so grown up. However with my bf it is not worth it the amount I have to nag him to get flowers undermines the whole deal.

I’ll all of y’all’s flowers kthx. :]

What the fuck is wrong with people these days? The nice thing about smoking dope is that it isn't crack. Why do people find the need to turn their weed into crack? They've missed the point entirely.

Yes, I am a bigot for saying the British frequently boil food into inedibility. Lo, you have slain the mighty bigot with your truth arrows, brave soul, and all shall hark at your name.

*Mrs. Beast here*

Where is this lots of victim blaming you’re referring to? I don’t see it. If you mean people calling out this woman for being offended by a restaurant where she literally knew she was going to be hired based on her looks and was totes fine with that until she was told she didn't have the right look, then I don’t see

she was really good in Martha Marcy May Marlene tho