Oh com'on. This is the best you're gonna get from a Pope. The church is never going to accept abortion, it goes against the tenants of the religion.
Oh com'on. This is the best you're gonna get from a Pope. The church is never going to accept abortion, it goes against the tenants of the religion.
I understand that Francis is still the Pope, and thus there’s a limit on just how awesome he can be. But graded on a curve compared to other Popes, he’s an A+.
Nah, the other 40% is GMO-free, organic free-range lentils watered by virgin glacial waters, Food-Babe approved.
I’d like a legitimate health (nutrition and exercise) writer, too!
I tried to cut chemicals out of my life but then found out water is a chemical. My body is like 60% water, so it’s already too late for me. :-(
I get why, when it’s just guys, that can feel threatening or triggering for a lot of women. Isn’t the obvious solution to de-gender the run by inviting a women’s hall to take part? My university had naked runs all the time, always co-ed.
"You are using 168 chemicals on your body daily!"
She’s a singer. She’s been famous for a very long time. She does look awesome though!
...was anyone concerned she wasn’t fine?
I never want to remove “No” from my vocabulary. If i did i wouldn't be able to refuse when someone tries to give me a god awful beer like Bud Light.
I haven’t heard the single yet but I still needed to run into the comments to exclaim that this look is FUCKING IMPECCABLE.
The “168 chemicals” thing doesn’t faze me so much just because everything is a chemical, we’re surrounded by “chemicals” every day for our whole lives. The fact that a lot of chemicals are used isn’t a problem, the fact that we (the consumers) don’t know what they are or what they do to us long-term is the problem.
The whole belief that “natural” is somehow better for skin than artificial is not based on real science.
Everything is a chemical. Water is a chemical.
What constitutes a “chemical”? I just looked at the ingredient list on my lotion and there’s 17 things listed. Is C15-19 Alkane one chemical or multiple? Is water a chemical? Is this real life?
Yay! Some not-shitty news happened today!
I think she also wanted to see what the public reception was before she said anything. Once she saw he was being heralded for his bravery, she gave all the Kardashians permission to chime in (note that none of them sent out supportive messages on social media until the interview had aired).
The comment was made with regards to the scope of evidence of this specific case. In this specific case, no one’s privacy rights were violated (based on the evidence presented and available).
Nope, people don’t have to be astronauts to make films about space travel, and they don’t have to have worked for the CIA to make a spy thriller. But there is something deeply insidious and dangerous when we see a vast group of people alienated from telling their own peoples’ stories. It’s a symptom of a national…
And “rioters” is a more preferable term? It seemed to me that Hillary’s point was that these were just protesters (and shouldn’t be called thugs), and that the mayor seemed to be more focused on these “protesters” than she is on the cops. To me, protesting doesn’t involve burning down homes for the elderly and other…