
weren’t people mad at her for not doing an interview a few days ago?

Jesus, really? You’re gonna condemn the moms whose kids this woman “hates being around” and hates taking care of for a living when she’s fired for publicly admitting that as “suburban busybodies with nothing better to do?” Moms have plenty to do, including work for a living and having to send their kids to be cared

It’s a little condescending to call concerned parents “suburban busybodies.” If a teacher at my kids daycare was foolish enough to publicly proclaim her hate for children I’d want her nowhere near them. Sure, name-calling is awful, but she tapped into the working parent’s greatest source of anxiety—that they’ve

Nah, it was bunch of serfs revolting against the landed gentry.

No. I would not want my daughters to be in a day care with a woman who hates being around kids.

This isn’t a privacy settings issue, this is a dumbness issue. Even if she only had like two followers on her private page, one of the could have had an axe to grind and sent a screenshot to her employer. Don’t write dumb shit about your job/career on Facebook - it’s a pretty simple program.

His special needs child has something called Angelman Syndrome and from all accounts, he’s been an incredible advocate and source of strength and pride for him. I will always, always love him for this.

On me...I’d look like a jaundiced Yeti. On her...damn near perfect.

So Tweet Beat is dead?

Colin Farrell’s older son has Angelman’s Syndrome (sp?) which has causes motor difficulties and seizures. He said that’s why he got sober some years ago, to be a good parent to James. He’s also apparently something of a LGBT advocate in Ireland.

It’s Karyn trying too hard to sound like a young person nursing a hangover on the weekends.

I kinda resent your saying that he’s using his children as a scapegoat to avoid romance. Sometimes people just have great kids they enjoy being around, and romance is bullshit about 98% of the time. It gets old, but the kiddos don't.

Vin Diesel probably wasn’t given any power wedgies from the high school football team, either, but that man loves the fuck out of Dungeons & Dragons and the history of the Punic Wars. Being awkward and ugly are not actually requirements for having nerdy interests.

I think people really don’t understand how time works. Just because they are attractive and seemingly confident now does NOT mean they weren’t nerds when they were younger. Joe Manganiello is a perfect example of that. Look at his pics when he was 13-14. THAT’S the kid that collected collected comic books and idolized

Um, are you fucking kidding? Did your school not have a drama club? The dorkiest, most-mocked club of all!? Even the band kids were less nerdy than we were. Movie stars are just the grown-up version of drama kids. Being attractive changes nothing fundamental about them.

But it isn’t even raising awareness without context. All it looks like is F21 is selling those shirts. I don’t get it.

Gotta agree with you. This might inadvertently boost F21’s profile, and in none of the pictures did I see anything branded with “Never 21.”

yea actually the “reclaim” bit threw me off. I sat here thinking “did forever 21 do something wrong here?!”

That’s a... puzzling way to go about a protest. I’m not sure what they were trying to achieve? If I was walking by I wouldn’t think “oh wow, look at that protest!”, I’d just think “huh, Forever21 is being shockingly socially aware. Good for them”.

The article is wrong (I looked at the Russian language source). They were dancing in front of the Malaya Zemlya monument, which is in Novorossiysk. You can see it here, and in the background of their video: