Battle Creek isn’t the same city as Detroit. All bad things in Michigan don’t happen in Detroit. Think West Michigan, where religious bigotry is rampant.
Battle Creek isn’t the same city as Detroit. All bad things in Michigan don’t happen in Detroit. Think West Michigan, where religious bigotry is rampant.
How irritatingly shrill and click-bait-y of you. This place could have continued taking her money and failing to educate her, but they decided she would be better served in a school that had curriculum designed for at-home students or partial attendance. Do you know how hard it is to educate? Widely different students…
The public school system really is a better option for this child. Home and Hospital instruction can be arranged for students who have prolonged absences due to medical issues. This means that they send a credentialed teacher to the child’s home every day to provide instruction.
Oh yeah, I don’t mean to suggest that criticism of the Catholic Church or Christianity in general are unacceptable. There are LOADS of criticisms to be made. I just think that this site in general has a tendency to assume the worst about Christians and to revel gleefully in the slightest possibility that, e.g., a…
People around here love to hate on every kind of religion, it’s kind of a hippster-thing, I guess.
But hey: why try some serious coverage of something if you can write an article that let’s you look like a teenager trying to impress his/her cool friends, instead.
They probably could have handled it more sensitively, but I’m a little confused here; if she has been unable to attend a full day of classes a quarter of the time, and they are unable to provide homeschooling, then what are they supposed to do?
just a nitpick, Battle Creek is nowhere near Detroit. It’s on the west-central part of the state, between Jackson and Kalamazoo.
OK, I am now digging through articles via google (this is what’s important today, people), and here is one explanation offered by representatives of the school:
I agree, my son has some learning issues and when he was in Catholic school they did not have the ability to serve him well. At the time we lived in a bad public school district which had many issues and lost accreditation. His teacher knew we were moving after his first grade year and said she felt it was good since…
“We know Rose to be an intelligent and thoughtful child, and believe she would be well-suited to enroll in an academic setting more geared to homebound students, perhaps an online program as we have discussed in the past.”
“Ha, that’s hilarious”?
While it sucks, this kid is better off in a public school system where the schools are required by law to accommodate her and her needs. She’s likely gonna have long-lasting cognitive repercussions from her treatment, and private schools aren’t required to adjust to her needs.
“What you did is a false equivalence, too. (Really? Gakwer is like the KKK?) You just picked one that served your purposes.”
Yeah, that was jarring and disgusting. Not cool, Karyn.
“Here’s why we had an obligation to believe him, even if he was “lying” (and that’s not really fair when discussing coming out narratives anyway): it isn’t our business to out people. If we do that, we only do harm.”
Did i miss something? Are we referring to women as grade a pussy on this site? Please tell me what i am missing.
And gross. and sexist. And wildly unnecessary.
Ya when I clicked through I was pretty surprised/very disappointed to learn that not only was Bradley cooper never flanked by them but that there were actually zero cats at the entire White House correspondents dinner, what gives?
Flanked by A-list pussy...
Linda Thompson, not Hamilton. #notalllindas