
Well thank God SOMEONE is here to stand up for the man accused of rape and say the accuser was probably lying!

Yeah, he is out living life and making the money. But his supporters are so sensitive that they can’t be REMINDED of that time he violently forced himself on a woman begging him not to? Give me a break. Should we also point out that he was largely a product of poverty and the prison system (a lot of juvie as a kid

How many years does it take for a rapist to stop being a rapist?

This is more or less stated above. The article is about the really bad choice of song and the rape/sex reference is the first one that would come to any persons mind. I realize he was failed by the system as a child and had a terrible traumatizing childhood but violent rape is something people shouldn’t forget. I do

Noah was much more offensive than this.

There’s this radical concept called personal taste. I, personally, think torn up jeans, harem pants, and acid washed denim are ugly as shit. I think basically everything Kim Kardashian wears is ugly as shit. Plenty of people disagree with me, and that’s ok.

I am 100% with you on this one. Lilly is bright and happy and screams “Summer! The beach!” And you know what, after the last year I’ve had, especially this long, terrible winter that has made living in chronic pain even more terrible than normal, if some slightly expensive shift dresses with ridiculously colourful,

It was merely meant to demonstrate the depth and breadth of a brand with a nearly 5 decade history.

Seriously! This whole article reminds me of 10th grade, when me and my friends thought we were soooo much better than the kids wearing Abercrombie and Hollister because we shopped at Hot Topic and were super cool and different. Except then I grew up and realized that was dumb as shit.

Oh but we know, moo. When you wear a springy print what you’re ACTUALLY saying is “I COME FROM A PROUD LONG ANCIENT LINE OF WHITE FOLK - SEE MY ELEPHANTS!?”

I think you’re reaching, and more likely, don’t live in, and don’t like, the south. Yes elements of the privileged and powerful in the south wear Lilly but....

According to Jezebel (or at least two of the writers, I know Jezebel is not a monolith), yes. You must ALWAYS try to be original (but don’t try TOO HARD, it has to look NATURAL, and it has to be ON TREND while somehow being original, otherwise you’ll get mocked for that instead). God forbid you just want to blend in

“Lilly Pulitzer is not fashion. It is clothes.”

Yeah, seriously. This shit of Jezebel railing against the supposed 1% and judging people for “trying” to look “rich” is just fucking tired. Stop projecting your prejudices onto other people and making assumptions about them, it’s gross.

Jesus. I’ve been buying Lilly Pulitzer clothes for years. Not because I was trying to pass as rich and privleged but because I like gaudy bright colors and simple lines. No way anyone can be buying them for that reason, huh?

I’m amazed at the amount of vitriol this Lilly Pulitzer/Target collab has managed to garner. And I’m even more shocked at how willing writers seem to think it’s okay to paint a broad category of women so harshly just because the writer does not fancy the prints in question.

When I reduce the Lilly Pulitzer dress to its basic components, I come up with something I wholeheartedly approve of and wish to see more of — a basic cotton dress featuring a print that is just obnoxious enough to cheer me up while I do chores. Cold water wash and tumble dry low, and able to tolerate a stain removing

Holy shit, Dude. It’s clothing. I am a short, chubby white woman from Minnesota, knocking on middle age’s door and I wear Lilly Pulitzer. And I have worn the brand for 20 years. I’m not especially wealthy, nor does my family name grace any building. I just like bright colored clothing in the summer. I’m not a bimbo

I am a cooper skinned afro caribbean girl with a shaved head, and I think I would look wonderful in those.