
Lots of people absolutely love Bey and don’t think she’s a particularly great singer. I’m one of them.

That’s not true. Conservative folks—-both White and Black—-have had major issues with Bey’s expressions of her sexuality for a long time.

I don’t understand what he’s doing wrong? If grown women are ok with this arrangement what exactly is the problem? Not everyone desires monogamy.

You are obviously not Black.

Sounds like he treats the women in his life pretty dang well, actually. When I was dating I could barely find a guy to pay for a drink.



All accents are “made up.”

She seems perfectly she not?

I think it’s quite sad that we think only folks with “political experience” should have leadership roles in our country.

She didn’t do that, though. She paid to attend a program that was about 22 hours total “instruction” and got a certificate at the end. Describing that experience as “attending Harvard Business School” is misleading.

Having a digital copy of my passport helped me a TON when my passport was stolen in Beijing.

Why must all communication be on social media?

I respectfully disagree with your characterization of this course of events.

When college students are “occupying” professors’ and administrators offices and locking professors and administrators into buildings for not getting the trigger warnings and “safe spaces” they think they deserve (both of which has happened at my alma mater, a well-known university, during the last academic year) then

You, my friend, are delusional.

She was misleading in her verbiage regarding her relationship with HBS. When people say that they “attended” a world renowned educational institution (or any educational institution) it suggests that they were there for one of the school’s degree-granting programs, not a month-long certificate program.

The verbiage she was using was misleading. It suggested that she attended HBS for one of their degree-granting programs, which she did not.

I'm not understanding your point. She was making comments that were misleading. The end. If you don't think that's a big deal, fair enough. I'm not losing any sleep over it myself.

She has said on multiple occasions that she attended Harvard Business School and that's misleading.