Anybody else think that anyone in the Administration has a clue what Juneteenth is?
Anybody else think that anyone in the Administration has a clue what Juneteenth is?
I live in DC. There was a point where there was a march here every damn weekend. The larger marches, the Women’s March, the March for Our Lives, were huge. When you go to a march, one of the things you will see is people every couple of blocks registering people to vote. In the last Virginia local election, counties…
Anybody else think that it’s especially ironic that the Administration chose Juneteenth as the day to pull out of the Human Rights’ Commission?
and her parents, who just became citizens , are the chain migration he rails against
Wherever you stand on the council’s effectiveness, the timing of this couldn’t be worse. It will look to everyone like we’re leaving because they were mean to us about legitimately horrible shit we are doing. And to be fair, that IS probably why Trump is leaving, even if he tries to claim it was all history and “a…
And it’s not even Jeffrey. It’s *Jefferson.* As in Davis, whom I imagine he greatly admires. He can fuck right off. As can Laura “Seig Heil” Ingraham.
Yeah. This is it for me. I’m not tolerant or polite on this one. You either think this is terrible, and needs to be stopped, even if it is allowable by law, or you can fuck off and die.
The story should not be trump made up shit about germany’s crime, it should be WHY he even sent out this random tweet about germany’s crime.
I’m posting that everywhere. I’m so fucking exhausted by what this administration is doing, I can barely navigate the chaos—but I refuse to lie down and let this oozing scrotal wart ruin a country my family has called home since 1620. So get ready, you fuckers, because we are bringing the thunder in the mid-terms.
Do they take gold fillings out of their teeth, too, or are they saving that for the next phase of the “solution”?
Margaret Sullivan’s media column in WaPo today had the best suggestion for how reporters should deal with Trump and his lies: the “truth sandwich.”
I know we laugh about “economic anxiety”, but the fact is that as inequality continues to skyrocket, more people feel insecure and fearful.
Blessed be the fruit loops, Joseph.
4 actually, you forgot the white skin on her face and hands.
A very Handmaid’s Tale vibe going on here.
There are three important visuals in this ad: the gun, the kitchen table, and the simple gold cross around her neck.
Democracy dies in the wide open. There are no secret underground societies, no little cabal of men and women plotting.
1. She has several entire teams dedicated to her nutrition, childcare, beauty, abd businesses. We both know she doesn’t do any of this on her own. It’s not like she cane up from nothing and made her own way.
Nothing to do with due process man. It’s the company’s decision to make. He’s currently a liability. It’s that whole “free market” thing some people keep crowing about.
Due process is exactly what’s happening. It’s standard human resources procedure to put people on leave while credible allegations are investigated. There are enough witnesses that the company has already talked to to make it a credible allegation. Read the details instead of reacting to the headlines. “Due Process”…