
New constitutional amendment: fuck first.

Dan Savage for President.

Whilst screaming “9/11! 9/11!”.

Wasn’t Obama caught chewing gum, once?

Yeah, but on the other hand, Dijon mustard and arugula; the stuff of monsters!

“I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order.”
So can I interpret that as what Trump wants is what god wants?! Sessions is citing the divine right of kings.

Eau de humanity

Over the weekend my wife asked if I read about Jim Gaffigan (who I adore) and my reaction was “Oh my god, what did he do?!” but fortunately it was some random thing about him and his wife. Phew.

Wait, how does a charity organisation pay out MORE money than it received? Even the best charities return what, 90 cents on the dollar? I’m somewhat suspicious - perhaps Trump might open his books and verify this bold statement?

Trump has the best lawsuits, the greatest.

I firmly believe when the Founding Fathers set the system up, George Washington’s example led them to believe they could depend on the system finding decent people to run the country. It would have worked if not for the Electoral College they set up too.

That, and he thinks he’s laying the groundwork for issuing pardons to himself and all the other treasonous old monsters plucked from around the Forbidden Forest and random gateways of Hell.

trump ran for president to be elected king, and nearly every source of strife since being elected revolves around the fact that government is not designed to simply do whatever the president says. pardoning, however, gives him the illusion of ultimate power, specifically over someone’s life, which is all he was really

Pam Alden, my forever fave!! 

I don’t understand why you are mad at Kate.

It’s expensive to run a fucking hotel you dumbass nitwit.

Technically, those accounts who share your hobbies could be considered influencers. People just can’t believe it, when they are considered ‘them’.