
I have been thinking the same thing, in relation to the Karolyis — that they were being mentally and physically abused on the mat and then sexually abused by the “doctor” in charge of mending them. Are there ANY adults that were actually trying to protect these women? The more we find out, the less it seems there

Do you work in the industry? Because I do and based on my experience, I have to disagree. “Marketing people” are very much involved with us “advertising people”. I work for an agency, I am an advertising person. My client works for the brand, they are the marketing person. Everything I do goes through a marketing

YES! SAME! (I mean I also have sexual trauma to deal with, but that’s irrelevant in this post).

My husband was on last year. There were plenty of questions that he kicked himself on later. It’s very stressful to be up there, your brain is going a mile a minute and at least in his case, he ended up overthinking several of the answers he got wrong. He got a geography question wrong that was so simple, I was

Ignoring the original video, I can speak a little bit about kissing family members on the lips. My family generally goes for the cheek but I married into a family where my father-in-law kisses on the mouth. I fully admit it took a little getting used to and is still not exactly what I would do given the choice, but I

Couldn’t agree with you more on the edibles tip. I think that is the single biggest reason why people have bad experiences with them. It’s not going to be like smoking a joint where you’ll feel the effects basically right away. That does NOT mean it’s not working and you need to give yourself a second dose. Think

Important to point out that it did NOT pass unanimously. 3 Republican men voted against it (Massie, KY; Amash, MI; Sanford, SC). I would ask why a rational adult would vote against this but that’s not the world we live in anymore.

I like your answer because you give me an out right at the end.

No, of course I don’t expect the young women to have that knowledge. I was referring to the parents and other adults who were told or even witnessed these interactions. I don’t have children of my own nor am I a couch, but if I did and they told me the doctor put his fingers inside them, I don’t THINK I would let that

Nah, this is a sentencing hearing, not the actual trial. (Also, I am not a lawyer but I’m married to one and I watch A LOT of Law and Order so that’s gotta count for something, right?)

I would like to point out that the two people you quoted are not lawyers. My husband, who used to practice as a criminal defense attorney, told me last night that it’s incredibly normal behavior for judges during sentencing (rightly or wrongly). This woman just has national media coverage watching her.

Thank you for saying this. As a Penn State alumni, I’ve been thinking this myself but holding back for fear of being trashed in the comments. What happened at Penn State was horrific and the fallout was absolutely warranted. It is a shame that I will never fully get past.

Don’t you dare paint me into a millennial corner! In all seriousness, I thought part of what defined the millennial generation was that they have always had things like cell phones and internet. Since the generational dates are loosely defined, if I can easily remember that time, doesn’t that mean I’m Gen X?  

Aww thanks. At the time, I didn’t really think it through. It was just too gross not to say/do SOMETHING, plus as I said, it was very hot and crowded and I was running late for something so I was hella cranky (er than normal).

Interesting point. I have to admit that I used to flash boobs or ass at friends in my teens and 20s occasionally (but never just random strangers). At the time I thought it was just harmless silliness that comes from doing something taboo and/or not ladylike. But there’s a chance it could have made someone feel

As a younger woman, I never felt comfortable doing or saying anything except to ignore/look away. Now that I’m a little more sure of myself and what I don’t need to tolerate, I make a scene. A couple of years ago, my husband and I were riding the subway. It was very hot and very crowded. There was a man with his back

I think the reason people didn’t make the leap that the two tweets were connected was because of the lag between posts, no? Unlike some of his other tweets, where it’s clear he’s continuing a statement only separated by a few minutes, these tweets appear hours apart. Some could interpret that the first tweet was his

Thanks for the clarification!

Wait, probably I am SUPER late to this party, but she named her baby Blah Blah Blah Jr? Did I miss the part where Serena’s real name is Alexis? Wikipedia says no. No one else is commenting so I’m guessing I’m so late to the party that it actually ended months ago, right?

Any other present or former CT residents guess that is: