
Maybe I'm weird, but I'm waiting for a Beatles in 5.1 surround. The only place for that so far is the Anthology DVD and the tracks on it sound incredible.

This is a great observation. The subtle way that the POIOTW changed from random people in trouble to people who are directly threatened by Decima and Control, at some point the Machine started generating the numbers of people who can and will in some way assist in the upcoming battle against Samaritan. More than

Was hoping for some Zoe, but there's a lot of season left.

Fusco even called Reese 'Crockett' in their first scene together. So glad to see them teamed up.

A brilliant solution, completely undone by my DVR's preference to randomly jump forward to 'live TV' as I'm watching it on replay 20 minutes behind. You can imagine what this is like during, say, a tennis match. The only way to keep this from happening is to wait until the program has finished recording, which was

Good note on Cabaret Voltaire. It's a bit more all-over-the-place when compared to NIN or Front 242, but really forward-thinking. Plus, they are another somewhat overlooked band once on Manchester's legendary Factory Records.

This is a very good point- their sound was completely new with each release you didn't know what to expect. As a fan from the synth-pop regrettable 'Everyday Is Halloween' era, each new full length took a bit of time to digest, but grew on me at just the right point in time during my formative teenage years.

Listening to the extended cut of 'Just One Fix' right now and digging it immensely. I really enjoyed that era of Ministry with 'Jesus Built My Hotrod' and 'N.W.O.' Those CD-5s are still in my collection.

If the DJ or producer is good at their live performance, that's the idea. Mixing, blending two songs together, that's what they get paid the big money to do, aside from choosing the songs in their playlist.

You should see if your provider carries the MeTV network. I stumbled across it nestled above my local channels on DISH Network. They run Columbo at least once a week. Their episode descriptions will usually note guest star appearances, as well.

This is very encouraging news. I've been a big fan since Brick. Looper was excellent and the episodes of 'Breaking Bad' he directed are superb, as well. I've been meaning to catch up on all of Mr. Johnson's work, and this announcement inspires me further in that direction.

Word. Takashi Shimura steals the show. He's one of my all-time favorites. He's awesome in Stray Dog, too.

You could replace Friday The 13th in the original comment with Nightmare On Elm Street. That was a scary well-made original the validity of which perpetually undermined by its sequels.

Thanks for this great in-depth interview. After growing up on late '80s/early '90s SNL, it wasn't until college that I caught classic SNLs from its first seasons in syndication, but one of the biggest things I came away with from those viewings was just how talented Garrett Morris was. With all the attention going

I rate this one an easy B+ for the Root side-plot.

'The last thing our national government needs are more hurdles to approving nominees or passing legislation.'

I honestly can't wait to see the hell that is unleashed by all of them directly at Simmons and whoever is left in HR. This is going to be a blast. :)

Thank you for the compliment— it really made my day to see this. :)

First off: solid A-. Get out of here with that 'B' nonsense.

For me this was an excellent episode.