
Exactly- I think she looked great for the role— a little frumpy, seen better days, some miles on the odometer but that adds to her character's world-weary charm.  It'll be fun to see what develops between her and Nucky now that Tucker is finished.

Legs did get it in the end, though— in a barber shop in Albany, NY.

Thanks for the review after ignoring the entire season since the opener. I'm sad to see the show end despite the weaker moments this season. Sure, it was a hit-or-miss type of show, but the hits outweighed the misses.

Since this discussion has been more or less all about The Americans (which I personally loved but still need to finish up) let me also give a nod to Person Of Interest.  As a fan of that show since the first episode, it has been an incredibly well-written drama with a host of excellent acting talent.  The unfolding,

In A Lonely Place is incredibly good and one of Bogart's very best roles and it ranks a very close second for me.  But for me the over-the-top nature of Johnny Guitar just blows me away.  I'm a sucker for Sterling Hayden and it tuned me in to just how an amazing actress Mercedes McCambridge was.  The dialogue, the

Definitely a good movie and a killer debut for Ray.  Farley Granger was awesome in this and Jay C. Flippen and Howard DaSilva always creep me out with their performances, too, as Granger's ex-con buddies.

Lucky's starring role was definitely a welcome surprise and expertly-handled
as detailed perfectly here.  I love his little salute to Hawkeye on the page right
before the Chris Ware-style cross-section diagram page sampled above.

This review had me smiling from the first sentence. Nice imitation of the Ellroy style, Sean.

I can't believe I had to come this far down the comment section to finally see mention of my debut appearance. Holmes had Moriarty, Mountain Dew has Mello Yello, even Maggie has that baby with one eyebrow.

Hells yeah- G.I. Joe #21 is legendary.

Lots of great questions and observations, digital angel.

I laughed out loud at that part— those guys all shot in the kneecaps rolling around.  Reese basically cleared a path for Shaw to get out.  You get the impression that as she is registering all that, she is smart enough to link their condition to that guy she just blasted in the chest with an MP-5 a couple seconds

Word SBT!  This was an incredible episode from start to finish. Just one great scene after another and directed with incredible confidence.  Kudos to Jonathan Nolan for such a staggeringly good debut.  And another excellent review, Phil. 
This hour of entertainment was better than many action films being made today. 

If you like it from tonight's episode, you'll probably like the show from the pilot, but if it's only an Amy Acker crush you need to fix, Root doesn't show up until late in the first season.  You don't have to watch every episode, but it will certainly add to the details you pick up if you watch the episodes you

A very enjoyable episode, indeed and a solid review from Phil and good points above, qbert.  The subtle nuances that make this show so satisfying are nicely described by both of you.

Sorry for chiming in a bit late or possibly rehashing previous commenters' excellent posts, but I had to voice my thoughts…
C+ is a little harsh for a grade on this, don't you think?  Sure, it wasn't the intense amazing episode that last week's was, but it rates a lot higher in my book than some of this and last

Just a great episode, like everyone before me has said.  This tied it all up and really solidified my confidence in this show midway through a very strong second season.  Unlike some reviewers, I even look at the off episodes as necessary to keep the pacing fresh and make it even more effective when the tensions

Good point, Fendjinn.  Yeah, it seems like the reviewer had the show turned on in the other room and listened while making dinner or something.  The simple mistakes and misquotes are frustrating and completely devalue the remainder of the observations.

Woe. I came away from this episode more sure than ever in my support of this show based on the tense pacing, the great acting, the awesome new villain from MI6, the Agent Snow/Carter interaction, the reappearance of Ken Leung- and flying out a window!- this one was really a big leap from last week's more standard

Woe. I came away from this episode more sure than ever in my support of this show based on the tense pacing, the great acting, the awesome new villain from MI6, the Agent Snow/Carter interaction, the reappearance of Ken Leung- and flying out a window!- this one was really a big leap from last week's more standard