
I agree entirely with this assessment.  It was way cool getting more of the Machine in development back story, and seeing at the end how Finch met his wife- a woman who literally stands out as an anomaly in the calculus of the Machine he created for her lack of subversive or devious tendencies.  This, plus the lighter

I agree entirely with this assessment.  It was way cool getting more of the Machine in development back story, and seeing at the end how Finch met his wife- a woman who literally stands out as an anomaly in the calculus of the Machine he created for her lack of subversive or devious tendencies.  This, plus the lighter

As someone who's been hooked on this show since S1 Ep1 and who stuck with it even when the reviewers here wrote it off after the second or third episode, it's great to see Person Of Interest really find its legs in a second season that has been firing on all cylinders. This was definitely better than a 'B' episode. I

As someone who's been hooked on this show since S1 Ep1 and who stuck with it even when the reviewers here wrote it off after the second or third episode, it's great to see Person Of Interest really find its legs in a second season that has been firing on all cylinders. This was definitely better than a 'B' episode. I