Babyfaced Monk

Awful Announcing actually had a great follow-up post on their story today looking purely at what videos Fox is actually using - i.e., what ‘content’ is the new Foxsports all about. The tl;dr version is basically “even if you grant Foxsports’ concept, their execution of that concept currently sucks”. The videos posted

So, if I’m reading this right, Jamie Horowitz thinks clickbait is too sophisticated and nuanced. Something tells me I’ll totally believe what happens next.

I read the AA piece and one thing that was missing stuck out to me like a sore thumb. They have someone on their payroll who is well suited to be the focus of video content for their website (that people might actually want to watch), but who is basically collecting dust. Where the hell is Katie Nolan?

Berry is not a great actress, but Monster’s Ball was a solid performance. It was neither the first or the last time the Best Actress statue was awarded to a middling but beautiful actress whose work was graded on a curve. Like if Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, and GOOP have Oscars, we don’t get to call out Halle like

Elaine Welteroth has been killing it as EIC

The optics of pulling people from their wheelchairs is simply staggering in its awfulness. Yet Trump supporters (who will undoubtedly be affected in large numbers) will put on their stupid MAGA hats and cheer Donnnie on, while he simultaneously pushes their heads deeper into a shit-filled trench.

Yeah, lol, no.

For these kind of franchise movies it might make sense...

Wow, in the middle of filming?

The Ringer’s best culture takes are “Shea Serrano gets high and talks about action movies.”

The problem with The Ringer is that Grantland on the culture side was at least partially longform. They had really good Mad Men recaps and stuff. Now they’re all bullshit roundtables where half the people don’t even take the not that interesting premise seriously.

“The Trump Presidency Is Spoiler-Proof”?

I understand and appreciate the reasoning, but it doesn’t mean that the Washington moniker is no longer or never was racist. It’s still racist, and it’s going to be racist tomorrow.

It’s borderline insane for a franchise to have such an unsettled front office just three days away from the draft and 16 days from the start of free agency, and now there’s suddenly a superstar up for grabs.

Right, the fact that the post-Aliens sequels in the franchise basically insist on ignoring that rather telling bit of dialogue is one of the things that I’ve always found odd.

They should have just done other stories in the same universe. At the beginning of Aliens, the marines talk about going on “another bug hunt,” implying that there have been other interactions with marines and maybe other xenomorphs or suspected xenomorphs. Lets here those stories, with different creatures. Maybe an

The unknown is what makes it work so well. It’s like a Lovecraft story.

I liked it better when you had no idea who the Pilot was, where Xenomorphs came from, etc. This is like writing Logan’s origin story. Just leave some things unknown!

And his upcoming Dune adaptation. (pleasedontsuckpleasedontsuckpleasedontsuckpleasedontsuck)

Help me Denis Villeneuve your my only hope. (Trembling in fear for Blade Runner 2049)