Baby BuzzFeeds TLDR

TLDR - White liberal feels bad that black people sold black people to white people a long time ago. Is probably an art major.

TLDR - BabyBuzzFeed still mad their terrorist candidate lost.

TLDR - Uber is a company that doesn’t mind offending terrorists.

TLDR - Liberal still angry their terrorist candidate lost.

TLDR - People unaware of the Starbucks right behind them are starving to death.

TLDR - Baby BuzzFeed knows nothing about politics and should stick to shitty click bait articles.

TLDR - People willingly put this crap in their bodies.

TLDR - Ugly girl still mad that Trump won.

TLDR - Someone apparently still cares about Baseball.

TLDR - Baby Buzzfeed still mad Hillary lost.

TLDR - Religion continues to get in the way of progress.

TLDR - Baby Buzzfeed author knows dick about Chemistry.

TLDR - Some chick with huge teeth doesn’t like a thing.

TLDR - More garbage from Eve.

TLDR - Can’t tell who Asian man is because all Asians look the same.

TLDR - Racists are mad about Great Americans Day.

TLDR - Gizmodo links soon to be banned from FaceBook.

TLDR - Baby Buzzfeed is still mad that Hillary lost.