Rusty Hinges

It’s nice to know that even in the zombie apocalypse, the South still completely loses its shit in a snowstorm.

Trump made things worse but I really don’t want to let the rest of the party and their rich donors off the hook. The Republican Party made a conscious decision to spread bigotry and fear as a way of winning elections. Every single Republican in my lifetime has been a bigot or happy to pander to bigots. Bigotry is a

But remember folks: Trump isn’t the cause of this. It’s just tough talk from a tough man speaking truth to power and draining that swamp!

I imagine the vast majority of U.S. citizens are “centrists.”

Then why doesn’t Bernie run in the Republican Primary?

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“But, but, but...those are the good Jew stereotypes.”

[Bill Shine as he walks out the door...]

“You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. Is there anyone in this room who doesn’t negotiate deals? Probably more than any room I’ve ever spoken.”


Here at Splinter, we pride ourselves on calling out politicians for their errors, no matter who they are screwing over Democratic candidates and helping their Republican opponents win.

The CEO literally gives Trump a different set of rules than everyone else. It’s insulting.

There was a study done that found people who sexually harass in the workplace are also more like to embezzle and to take credit for their colleague’s ideas.

Two things:

Clearly he’s not Michael Stipe’s Orange Crush.

Saint Bernie! He can do no wrong. They’re going to play purity police again and F’k everything up.

Will it be Bernie when he finally decides to run?

I’ve lost track of which candidate Splinter is actually supporting for Democratic nominee. Alexandria is too young to run in 2020, Beto is cheesy, Warren is definitely out because of her DNA test, Tulsi Gabbard’s homophobic past is the end of the road for her chances (as it should be)... Is it “none of the above” for

He’s not *you know who.* Anyone that isn’t *you know who* will always be treated with increased skepticism and scrutiny, despite how they were Bieber’s previously.

It’d be funny if after all this, he didn’t declare himself in - and it turns out he was just having a good time and free-riding off the extra attention given him. 

Seriously, did Beto piss in the Cheerios of Splinter writers or something?