
It’s so telling who we allow to “grow” and “learn” from past shitty behavior and who we don’t. This WOC made some shitty dumb tweets when she was a teenager, but Ted Danson did a literal minstrel show as an adult and we still love him on The Good Place. Kelly Osbourne implied the only people who clean toilets for a

What did everyone make this week? I made this Persian Flatbread, with everything bagel seasoning instead of just black and white sesame seeds. The onions and salt really added to the flavor I felt.

There is also the whole “the planet is fucked” thing that makes creating a human you’ll love more than anything and leaving him this crapass planet filled to the brim with crapass people he’s gonna have to deal with for close to a century not a really appealing thought...

I’m in France, so massive social and medical

I’m sure there are lots of reasons, but worth noting that this decline in birth rates is global. It’s happening in countries with generous social safety programs, and in countries where quality of life has improved dramatically in recent years. When people have the ability to choose how many kids to have, and when the

I feel like I’m in a bit of a GroundHog’s Day loop. Same shit just a different day. After almost a year of us being home pretty much 24/7 tho I guess it’s expected. Anyone else getting down like this ? Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful we’ve managed to keep day to day life as normal as possible despite everything.

Cream cheese and jelly sandwiches are probably the weirdest thing. Loved them at the time, have zero desire to eat them now.

These were, without any doubt, a collection of some of the dumbest people this country has to offer.

I don’t get the Gen Z ire for Millennials. I’m 33 and I understand that there are things that my generation does that are annoying as hell, but are we actively destroying the planet like Boomers have been doing for decades and how some Gen X’ers are now? No.

The great thing about cargo shorts is they’re never in style. Thus helping the wearer achieve a zen-like state of permanent dorkitude. Plus plenty of pockets.

Did you make anything this week? Bread was in heavy rotation over here this week, probably because we had two “snow days” this week, so three hour video meeting with breaks? Make a cute little focaccia, just right for two, to go with spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I baked it in a small cake pan lined with

The worst part, the very worst part, of any public facing job is the public. No question. If you work the register at a store, you see enough dead-from-the-neck-up people in one day to permanently ruin your outlook on the human race. If you work in the public sector, you spend at least one day a week fielding loud

Trump is a paradox. On paper he is the epitome of a coastal elite - born into fabulous wealth, native of New York City, went to an Ivy League school.

I don’t think anyone thinks it is a new phenomenon that women are treated like shit. I think what this article is getting at is that while the shitty treatment of women in the late 90's (Spears and Lewinsky, albeit in different ways) could be looked at as something that happened in a different time we’ve evolved away

My schedule isn’t quite this bad, but I feel your pain. And they’re all fucking video meetings. Is there something wrong with a phone call now? I had one day in the last month I didn’t have to be on camera and I fucking celebrated.

At that point they were obligated to tell them that the ICU is full and to go to another hospital for diagnosis immediately; not a pat on the back, some aspirin in the hand, and a boot out the door.

Fun fact: soon after Jessica Simpson made her Chicken of the Sea comment, she used the word "facetious" correctly in a sentence. Make of that what you will.

So Kim and Kanye are basically having a normal marriage except with money?  Sounds about right. Worked for all of my friends’ parents so they should be okay to. 

Indoor gardening today and having some revelations. My girl Pearl here is quite good at taking up space. Why don’t we take up more space as well? Someone’s going to take that space, might as well be me.

I’m a 43 year old male who, based on the first images that my admittedly handicapped pop culture mind conjures up, has no business being a Miley fan. Every time I hear her sing a cover, I want to inject it directly into my veins. I would love to see her help head up a modern rock n’ roll revival.

Unpopular counterpoint: The Matrix is actually a dreadful film (the horrible screenplay is mostly to blame, causing good actors to read terrible lines, though Fishburne isn’t helping with his ponderous and overly-serious manner) with groundbreaking and still-impressive special effects that ALMOST cloak its